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Cheap or Resourceful? Dollar Tree Crafts: Fall Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Searching for home decor is never an easy process. You have to go through multiple stores to find the perfect color, shape, and design. That’s why I have created 4 quick and easy DIY projects that you can do at home! These inexpensive creations will allow you to explore your creativity and leave your living space looking more stylish than ever. I have named them Floral Reflection, Autumn Festivities, Good Old Pumpkins, and Threaded Dragonfly. 


Floral Reflection is a nice way to revamp your basic mirror with your own flower, color choice, and placement. The process is quite simple and it only requires three or four items from Dollar Tree. For this craft, you will need a mirror with holes, three different artificial flowers (preferably different colors), and hot glue. The first step is to remove the stem from the artificial flowers followed by laying out the flowers on the edge of the mirror. Then, hot glue the flowers inside of the holes of the mirror. Your final product should leave something aesthetic-like and cute! Clean up any fingerprints on the mirror and TA-DA — it’s ready to use! 


Autumn Festivities represent all of autumn’s vibrant colors. What better way can you keep the colorfulness of leaves than displaying them on  the exterior of a jar?! This jar can be left empty as decor or you can place a small candle with your favorite scent such as pumpkin spice or apples. Please take safety precautions and be careful with what you put in the jar. This craft only needs three items from the Dollar Tree as well: artificial leaves, hot glue, and a jar. Remove the leaves from the stem and then simply start placing them around the jar with hot glue. The completed product can be used yearly and will complement any other fall decor that you have laying around at home!


Good Old Pumpkins is one of the more challenging crafts that I’ve created, but it’s not impossible for any beginner. If you love painting as much as I do, you’ll find yourself immersed in this lovely piece of art. All you need for this project is a 5×7 canvas, acrylic paint, and a paintbrush from the Dollar Tree. You can experiment with colors for your pumpkins and make it the traditional orange or any other color you desire. I wanted to make my piece look more realistic so I went with army green, light brown, and orange pumpkins. I’ll provide a step by step process below and try to make this piece as simple as possible. 

  • Paint the canvas with a solid dark color (I used black).

  • Draw three ovals stacked on top of each other (make sure that the top pumpkin has a stem).

  • Add the base color for each oval (mine included light brown on top, army green in the middle, and orange on the bottom).

  • Use a slightly darker shade for each pumpkin and start painting curves on the side and middle of the pumpkin. For example, if you’re using light brown, use a dark brown and vice versa.

  • Color in the stem for the top pumpkin.

  • Go in with highlights and more shading with white and brown until you think the piece looks complete.

  • Sign your name and admire your fabulous fall craft!


Threaded Dragonfly doesn’t fit with the fall theme I’m going for, but it is a cute addition for any indoor plants that you plan on growing. It doesn’t require a lot of steps and can be made in just two minutes. What you need for this craft is a glass cup, some threaded rope, hot glue, and dragonfly clip ons from the Dollar Tree. Add a small dollop of hot glue on the bottom of the cup and start wrapping the thread to the top. You shouldn’t have to continuously add hot glue to the rope as long as it’s tight and be sure that you add one more drop of hot glue at the top so that the rope doesn’t fall apart. After you’ve completed that, you can add the dragonfly clip ons and  some decorations to make it pop out more or just leave it as it is. I added some sparkly styrofoam balls in addition to the clip ons because they were left over from the Floral Reflection piece I created.


Overall, it shouldn’t be difficult to find the perfect home decor, especially when you’re able to make inexpensive crafts at home to fit your preferences! Open up your ingenuity and see what you can create on your next trip to the Dollar Tree; you’ll be surprised by the beautiful creations you can make. Give some of the crafts I’ve made a try, add on to them, or make your own version of home decor. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do with your creativity!


Hi! My name is Joyce and I'm a Freshman advertising major at Temple University I will be writing for the Arts and Entertainment section for the 2020-2021 school year :)
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!