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Campus Celebrity: Meghan Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Meghan Hill, 19, appears to be your average college student. She goes to class, does homework, and is involved in clubs on campus, but Hill has achieved a lot in her two years Temple University. Majoring in Theater and Public Relations, Hill has a variety of talents and interests. She is a singer, dancer, actress, and a very involved student.

Hill has been involved in acting and dancing since she was three years old. “I have always loved being on a stage. I started doing shows when I was very young, in fact, I can’t really remember when I actually started to fall in love with performing,” Hill says. “My parents tell me that I would put on little shows on the landing of our steps. Sometimes, the only audience was my reflection in the mirror across the room, where I would practice my expressions and dance steps. I kind of just grew up with it. It is who I am.”

Hill knew she wanted to perform ever since the 7th grade when she went to see a show at Monsignor Bonner High School, a local Catholic High School in Pennsylvania. She followed her intuition, and decided to attend Monsignor Bonner High School. She also made sure to follow her true passion: performing.

“When I’m on a stage, I feel as though I can do and be anything I want to be in the world. It’s a feeling that is really hard to describe. I remember when I was performing in a show called Thoroughly Modern Millie. I was Millie, and it was my first leading lady role. I remember looking out in the audience and the first people that I saw amongst the dark shadows were my parents. I would see the smile on their faces. It was the best feeling in the world,” says Hill.

After performing leading roles in her high school’s musicals, Hill took her talents a step farther in the spring of 2015. The newest edition of Rocky is currently being made, and some scenes were shot in Philadelphia. Hill knew they were looking for extras and she wanted to try acting on camera. Although Hill explains she can’t give too many details of her 12-hour long shoot, she describes the experience as “amazing” and “it is truly something she will never forget.”

Hill decided to attend college at Temple because she believes that college helps people develop personally and professionally. In the future, she would love to do is work for college recruitment and orientation offices, which she spent her summer doing on Temple’s campus. After spending her summer as an Owl Team Leader, Hill got position of Student Coordinator for this upcoming summer.


 “I love helping people love their school. People are born to achieve greatness. I value education so much and believe that every person has his or her own ‘greatness’ to be achieved. I want to be the person who helps students reach their greatest potential, and help them realize that they CAN do anything they put their mind too. Maybe I’ll open a performing arts school one day! Who knows what the future will hold? I’m just really excited for the ride,” Hill explains.

In addition to her acting talents, Hill has many other passions, which involve helping others and being a good role model as an older sister. Hill’s additional involvement include serving as the Panhellenic Delegate on Alpha Xi Delta’s Executive Council, being a member of the Student Alumni Association, writing for The Odyssey, dancing for TU tappers, serving as an SMC Student Ambassador, and the Owl Team Coordinator for this upcoming summer.

“Something that I have truly learned over the past year is to never let you hold yourself back,” Hill shares. “You can be anything you want to be in this world.”

Breanna Perez is a sophomore at Temple University. Majoring at Journalism and being a member of Alpha Xi Delta, Breanna also enjoys hanging out with her friends, traveling and being active.   
Kaitlin is an alumna of Temple University where she graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Political Science. At Temple, she served as Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Temple and was a founding member and former Public Relations Vice President for the Iota Chi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta.  She currently serves Her Campus Media as a Region Leader and Chapter Advisor and was formally a Feature Writer for Fashion, Beauty and Health.