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The Lalaearl Gray Latte And Edible Flowers
The Lalaearl Gray Latte And Edible Flowers
Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Different teas help with different aspects in our life or body, so which teas are the best for you? 

Many people hate taking medications to relieve pain or help with things such as energy or imbalance within their health. Drinking tea can be so beneficial and alleviate many issues we face that medicine sometimes cannot even help with. So, what are some teas that can help and what are they useful for? Well, I’m here to tell you how to integrate them in your everyday life or when you need a boost! 

Raspberry leaf tea: helps with PMS symptoms, such as cramping, vomiting, anything you can name that you associate with your menstrual cycle can help!  

Chamomile tea: need help sleeping? This can do the trick, chamomile tea is known to help with sleep and relaxing the body. It also helps with anxiety when drinking 1-2 cups a day. 

Green tea: if you’re not a big coffee person, green tea is for you. It has so many benefits but it can leave you energized without feeling sluggish after like coffee may do. It can also help with lowering blood pressure and has digestive benefits. 

Peppermint tea: this is one of my favorite teas, peppermint tea can help with reducing stress, fight colds and help you to focus better.  

Ginger tea: if you are a ginger lover, ginger tea also can help with fighting colds especially when mixed with honey and lemon.  

Tea can help so much in ways we don’t even know, incorporating a cup or two a day can help prevent colds or help with menstrual cramps or contribute as many health benefits in our lives. Incorporate some teas, even if they were not mentioned and see if it helps with what it’s beneficial for! 

Hi everyone I’m a junior health profession major at temple