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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Affirmations are powerful, positive phrases that are used to guide our minds away from negativity. These phrases can be said aloud, repeated in your head, written down, or all three! There is no one correct way to practice affirmations. Some people choose to repeat the same affirmation each day, whereas others find it more beneficial to change their affirmations depending on their emotional needs or goals during that particular time. Here is an in-depth look at how practicing daily affirmations can rewire your brain to be more positive, intentional, and motivated.


Having a positive mindset in today’s society is a major asset. It can be overwhelming and defeating when every news story seems to have a sad or unjust ending. Having a positive outlook on life can help remind you that just because there are bad things going on in the world does not mean that the world is inherently bad. Repeating affirmations like, “Today will be an amazing day,” or “My life is beautiful,” can set the tone for your entire day and change the way you think. When first starting to practice affirmations, you might not notice any major changes in your mindset. But, over time, the way your brain works will adjust to being more positive. That Econ class you absolutely despise on a regular day might become a bit less agonizing when you remind yourself of how much you have learned from it. The fact that all of your classes have shifted online irks you, but you look on the bright side of things and realize how much closer you and your roommates have become while spending more time at home. The changes may be subtle, but they will come, and they will be almost automatic. These affirmations you practice daily will plant a seed of positivity in your subconscious that, over time, will weed out the bad thoughts and make more room for the good.  


To live intentionally is to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to you. It means that you focus more of your attention on what makes you happy, and give less attention to the things that do not. By saying, thinking, or writing affirmations each day, we can remind ourselves of what is important to us. Affirmations allow us to direct our focus towards our goals and values, which in turn helps us to stay on track. Life is not just a straight line; there are highs and lows as our environment, mood, mindset, and overall circumstances change. Affirmations can anchor us to the present moment and remind us of what matters most in our lives. This provides the clarity and focus necessary to achieve our goals and lead lives that we love.


Motivation often comes and goes, arriving in quick bursts and disappearing just as rapidly. People typically associate motivation with productivity, like being motivated to tackle a billion new projects in the office or to start working out seven days a week. Yeah, of course motivation comes into play there. But, sometimes, all you need motivation for is to get out of bed when you really don’t want to.  Through daily affirmations, we can lift ourselves up and get excited for the day ahead. Saying affirmations in the morning like, “I am going to be productive today,” “I am going to be my best self,” or simply, “I am going to get out of bed and be kinda okay with it,” will consciously inspire us to get up and work towards our goals. If throughout the day you find yourself feeling unmotivated, just come up with a little affirmation to remind yourself of your goals and your capability to reach them. This will, hopefully, act as a little midday pick-me-up, giving you a boost of motivation and setting you back on the right path.

Practicing daily affirmations is incredibly beneficial for people of every age and from every walk of life. There is no one-size-fits-all for affirmations, as they can be catered to your needs and your lifestyle. I suggest you come up with a list of your own affirmations and repeat them each day for the next week or so, you’ll be surprised by how much your mindset shifts!

Victoria Adams is a sophomore Marketing major at Temple University. She loves cooking, working out, spending time outside, and is currently learning how to knit. You can follow her on insta @toriiadams, or connect via LinkedIn @VictoriaAdams.
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!