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Be the Best Dressed at Temple: Pop-Up Thrifts  

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Fashion is a form of expression for many people, and Temple has plenty of expression in this area! Pop-up mini thrift stores are found across Temple’s campus as students sell their repurposed, vintage, or just plain old clothes. They can be spotted along Beury Beach by the Bell Tower, along Liacouras Walk, or up by the Skate Park! Cool and collective clothes will surround your every move making it more and more tempting to step into the world of Temple University’s fashion and thrifting.  

Temple is known for being fashion-forward, making it the second most fashionable school in the United States. In my opinion, it is a pretty cool aspect of Temple that not everyone talks about. What a thing to be known for! Philadelphia itself is filled with hidden gems, providing access to trending and expressive clothing for everyone of all different styles. Having thrifts on campus brings all those lovely stores and designs right to your neighborhood, and limited traveling is required. 

These thrifts are often hidden making access to their Instagrams a bit more difficult, but thanks to the fantastic club culture around Temple, I was able to find a club that often interacts with these super cool and stylish pop-up stores. Thrift and Flop is a club made up of students who love to thrift and repurpose clothes. In return, they follow many different thrift stores including a few of the thrifts that come to Temple’s Campus. These thrift stores are constantly changing as people get new products and follow their schedules, making the experience exciting for every new vendor that comes.  

A pop-up thrift that I have been seeing more and more, especially when the weather is beautiful and optimum for shopping, finds its home between the Beury Hall and the College of Liberal Arts buildings across the street. They occupy a small area of grass and completely decorate rows and rows of clothing racks filled with jackets, jeans, shirts, sweaters, purses and anything you can imagine. The individuals who run the pop-up are inviting and will give you advice on some of their favorite pieces, while also helping you to follow your own personal style. Some of the pieces are more expensive depending on brand, vintage quality, and rarity, but all the finds shown are gorgeous and ready to be warn.  

Another pop-up I stumbled upon by complete accident was right next to the Skate Park. This little area is bustling with students skating, talking, eating, and listening to music. Often there can be performances by bands from Temple, giving the Skate Park its own special vibe filled with talent and creativity. The day I found this small pop-up was a gorgeous day, I was walking with a friend when we saw that a group of students that had some bins and clothing rack up. It was ragtag and small, but boy did they have some great finds. I ended up finding a pair of baggy jeans that were bedazzled with flower designs on the legs and pockets. The students were eager to share their finds and sell them to passerby’s and fellow enjoyers of the ambiance that is the Temple Skate Park.  

There is a constant rotation of thrifts happening all over campus, some will be familiar faces, while others are new and trying to make their way into the world of fashion that the students on campus have created. Students themselves will run their own thrifts, whether it be for clubs’ activities, philanthropy, or emptying their closet, engagement will always be there. Every time I pass a pop-up people are shifting through clothes, exclaiming when they find something that they love, and laughing while they show their friends something they think would be good for them.  

The thrifting scene is just another aspect to Temple that makes it so unique and an experience in of itself. Not only interacting with the community around us, but also curating a special common occurrence among students. It’s a nice surprise when you aren’t expecting it, and never disappoints when you go looking for it. Whether you are window shopping or looking for something specific, the pop-up thrifts are there and ready to provide, each one giving their own personality and hospitality. As the weather warms up and everyone joins in on the festivities outside, I plan on going around campus to find some new vendors and pieces. I hope to explore everything that they have to offer with my friends and other fellow Temple students!  

Catie Lane

Temple '24

My name is Catie Lane and I am a senior writer for the Campus Life and News section for Her Campus Temple Chapter. This includes events, activities, organizations and any events that involve what is happening on cm campus. Any news that occurs around the community and that involves my university and the surrounding area. Beyond Her Campus I have had the opportunity to work with the Philadelphia's Mayor's Office of Communications as a PR and Communications intern. Here I wrote posts, articles, press releases, and newsletters. I also worked to plan events such as press meetings, conferences, and workgroups. I also have had the wonderful opportunity to work as the Philanthropy Day Chair for my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, work on the PR and merchandising team for Temple E-sports, and work with Web and Podcasts for Temple Universities radio station WHIP. In my free time I love to read books of all genres, trying out new fashion trends, traveling, dancing and indulging in different styles of music. I love spending time with my cat and binge watching the latest show releases and movies.