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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Finals are approaching, don’t rely on coffee to get through your study sessions, get the most out of them with a mixture of brain-powering snacks and coffee.

Finals season means long hours of writing essays or studying for comprehensive tests. Like most college students, I rely on coffee to give me the energy to get through these long study sessions. Recently, I’ve come to find out that too much coffee can cause an inability to focus which does not bode well with studying.   

So, what are other ways students can stay alert and focused for studying?  

It is important to bring along some brain-powering snacks as well as a cup of coffee. While you’ll want to go to your favorite local coffee shop and get your favorite coffee drink to sip on throughout studying, be wary, too much caffeine and you will be jittery and unable to focus. Stick with 2 to 3 cups in order to get optimal results.  

Ultimately food we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our performance. The foods we eat have the power to improve our memory, fuel the brain and tackle a intense schedule. Foods packed with protein like meat, eggs and fish are great choices because proteins help send messages to the rest of your body and help create chemicals that improve your mood.  

Food with Omega-3, like flaxseed and eggs, is great as well. These foods help your brain work harder and improve mental health during a time that’s stressful for every student, me included.  

It is easy to forget to take care of yourself during the stressful finals season, but a cup of coffee and these snacks will help you get the most out of our study sessions. Of course, it’s important to stay hydrated and bring a bottle of water as well.  

Let finals season commence, go to your local store and grab some brain-healthy snacks and coffee.  

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Noam Wasik

Temple '25

I am a Junior at Temple majoring in Communications and Social Influence.