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6 Tips to Help You Survive Midterm Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Midterms. I know, it’s hard to even say that word without shuddering, panicking or ugly-crying on your bed.

Fortunately or unfortunately, every college student can relate to the endless hours of studying and the unhealthy amount of coffee ingested during midterm season. It’s an accepted aspect of college. So, how does one survive midterm season? Listen up. With these six tips, you’ll be so content, you might even forget it’s midterm season. Okay, too far, but still.

1. Breathe

I know, I know, obviously you’re breathing. But, in all seriousness, it’s important to take deep breaths in order to remain calm during midterm season – even when you’re surrounded by an insane amount of index cards.

2. Stay organized with your notes and study materials

You’ve probably heard this uber-cliché reminder so often that it may as well be tattooed on your forehead. Regardless, it’s there for a reason. Staying organized will not only help you prepare for your exams, but it can calm your nerves as well. Writing down assignments in a planner or simply color-coding your notes is a good way to keep track of your workload.

3. Prepare as much as possible

Preparing for exams is crucial to receiving a desired grade. Some professors hold a review class during the week of or week before your midterm exam. (Hint: If you’re looking to play hooky, this would definitely not be the class to miss) Also, if your professor repeats a piece of information nearly 27 times, chances are, it’s probably on the exam, just saying. So take good notes throughout the semester as well.

4. Study outside of your room

To sum it up, there are far too many distractions in your room for studying to be even remotely productive. From cleaning your room, to color-coding your closet, to even scrubbing your bathroom floor (desperate, I know), there’s literally anything we’d rather be doing than studying. Preparing for your exams at the student center, tech center or even just Saxby’s will force you to focus solely on your work.

5. Sleep, sleep, sleep!

Whether it’s a 45-minute nap in between classes or borderline hibernation, sleep is beyond important. Staying up until 4 a.m. studying may seem like an effective use of your time, but chances are you’ll wake up unsettled and even more stressed than before. Although Temple’s Tech Center is 24/7 during the weekdays, it’s in your best interest to make it back to bed at night.

6. Dedicate time to focusing on other things

It’s tempting to eat, breathe, and sleep midterms. However, remember that it’s okay to focus on other things as well—things that will take your mind off of multiple choice questions and review Power Points (namely, cut dog videos). Doing something simple like spending an hour at the gym or grabbing coffee with a friend will remind you that your world doesn’t have to completely revolve around studying.

These six tips will prove to be necessary during midterm season, regardless of how cliché they may seem. Trust me, you don’t want to be the girl ugly-crying into her notebook the night before an exam. But, if it comes to that, remember that you’re not alone and remind yourself of how much you have already accomplished this semester.  


When Rachel isn't obsessively drinking iced coffee by the gallon or binge watching true crime videos on YouTube, you can probably find her writing about her failed love life. She is currently a  junior (*she's ancient*) journalism major at Temple University, and is a Her Campus Temple Campus Correspondent, a Temple Student Government Social Media Manager and a 2020 Owl Team Student Coordinator. 
Temple University, 2019. Magazine journalist and editor, fitness instructor, health and wellness enthusiast. Proponent of lists, Jesus, and the Oxford comma. Will do anything for an iced oatmilk latte. Follow my journey: Twitter + Instagram: @sarah_madaus