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5 Types of People You See on Social Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

As a self- proclaimed social media expert, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that there is a lack of online ettiquette. I even admit to occasionally breaking the social media “rules” that I have with my “friends” or “followers.” We’re all guilty of sometimes succumbing to the temptation of continuous selfie posts, paragraph-long Facebook updates or even the immature subtweets. So in case you need some clear-cut guidelines on how to act online, here are five types of social media offenders that you don’t want to become. Now, I know some rules are meant to be broken, but please for the sake of all of us: Try and behave yourselves.

1.     The Selfie-holic

We either know someone like this…or we’re actually this person. This social media user is the one who always has pictures of his or herself popping up all over your newsfeed. These photos are probably accompanied by hashtags such as: #nomakeup, #nofilter or the very original #selfie. We all find a little satisfaction in posting a cute picture of ourselves (it’s okay to admit it), but there are limits. Your Instagram shouldn’t look like your mom’s photo album. 

2.     The Alcoholic

During the week, this person’s posts are innocent and sweet, but once Friday rolls around — all bets are off. Their tweets probably consist of #turnup or #letsgetswasted. We all like to have fun and go a little crazy at times, but that is no excuse for spamming Twitter and Instagram with all of your scandalous endeavors. Although you are in college now, one day you’re going to need to find a job and present yourself respectably. So keep your frat party mishaps to yourselves and stay clear of the camera-happy drunk friend, because those pictures might follow you post-grad.

3.     The Facebook Fighter

We have all found ourselves following an argument via Facebook, and it’s usually between two people we barely know. It can be entertaining, but honestly it is just sad. We all have cell phones — so pick it up, text the person and resolve your argument that way. There really is no reason to broadcast it for the world to see, as it is no one else’s business anyway. 

4.     The Subtweeter

The distant cousin of the “Facebook Fighter” is the “Subtweeter.” To all of you unfamiliar with the term, “subtweeting” is to indirectly tweet someone without mentioning their name. Basically, this is the passive-aggressive tweeter’s way to make a point about someone without being straightforward and saying it. About a week ago, I made a tweet and my friend texted me asking if that was directed towards one of our mutual friends. Much to her surprise, I was just tweeting a small thought that was on my mind. 

5.     The Spammer

I know in many cases this isn’t someone’s fault, but in my experience it is usually the same person that is always spamming me on Twitter or Facebook. Do not click on sketchy links or put your password where it is not needed. You are only going to spam people and make them irritated. Always report spammed material, and if you are the one getting spammed then let the spammer know. No one needs embarrassing or gross links on their profile — that’s no fun.

Paulina is the former Arts & Entertainment Editor at Her Campus Temple University. She is a senior Journalism major and Sociology minor, who plans to pursuse a career in magazines after graduation. She enjoys anything relating to current events, pop culture and inspirational quotes. She can most likely be found watching Netflix, taking Buzzfeed quizzes or trying out new restaurants in Philadelphia. You can follow Paulina on Twitter & Instagram @paulinajayne15
Jennifer Nguyen is a senior journalism student at Temple. She has been a part of Her Campus Temple since its formation in 2010 and being a part of HCTU has been one of the best things she has ever done. She aspires to be a magazine writer in New York after graduation. Jennifer is passionate about learning more about the world around her and hopes to travel the world one day. As a journalist, she strives to share the stories of people whose voices need to be heard. In her spare time, she loves reading French literature, learning languages and watching Bravo reality TV shows.