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5 Things You Can Do Around Campus During Break  

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

It’s that time of the year again! Leaves are starting to change colors and fall, which means it is time for Thanksgiving break! This is a time to spend with family and enjoy a much-needed rest from the hard work of the semester. Although, for some students, the break may come a little later, if you don’t live close enough to campus to go home for the short break.  Here are five things you can do around campus during the break to keep yourself entertained until it’s time to eat Turkey! 

  1. Take a trip and go see a show! The Academy of Music is holding its very own performance of Wicked through November 26th. Wicked is a fun and exciting musical about Elphaba and Glinda, best known as the witches of Oz. The musical tells the story of their journey together, moving from friends to enemies and all the in-between. Grab some popcorn, snuggle in, and enjoy a beautiful live performance from the talented cast at The Academy of Music.  
  1. Grab Breakfast and relax! Richie’s Cafe is open and thriving during the break! Grab yourself a nice coffee or tea, or maybe a waffle or bagel. Enjoy a peaceful breakfast or lunch to yourself. This could be a time to write in a journal, read a book, or play that game you have been putting off. The semester can be hectic and it’s important for everyone to take some time to relax. 
  1. Go to Temple’s neighborhood Museum! Just around the corner on West Montgomery is the Wagner Free Institute of Science. Not only is this a great study spot, but it’s a museum of natural history. It is one of the only surviving examples of Victorian-era scientific society. The Wagner Free Institute of Science is filled with cool and exciting things to learn about. It’s completely free and a great chance to explore something new without having to go far.  
  1. Go see a movie! Right across the street from Morgan Hall is the AMC Theater. Whether you go with a friend or by yourself, the movie options that the AMC offers are endless. There are tons of movies coming out over the next week to go and see, such as Trolls 3, The Hunger Games: Ballad of the SongBirds and Snakes, Wish, and many more!  
  1. Stay Home! Sometimes all you need is to take a self-care day and relax at home. It is a break after all. Turn on that show that you’ve been waiting to binge, grab your favorite take-out, and do the full skincare routine. The day is for you to relax and not think about anything. Enjoy it!  

Not being able to go home right away or at all for the break can be stressful sometimes, but there are so many things to entertain yourself with! The break is a time for everyone to relax and acknowledge all their hard work. Give yourself well-deserved self-love and remember to put yourself first!  

Catie Lane

Temple '24

My name is Catie Lane and I am a senior writer for the Campus Life and News section for Her Campus Temple Chapter. This includes events, activities, organizations and any events that involve what is happening on cm campus. Any news that occurs around the community and that involves my university and the surrounding area. Beyond Her Campus I have had the opportunity to work with the Philadelphia's Mayor's Office of Communications as a PR and Communications intern. Here I wrote posts, articles, press releases, and newsletters. I also worked to plan events such as press meetings, conferences, and workgroups. I also have had the wonderful opportunity to work as the Philanthropy Day Chair for my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, work on the PR and merchandising team for Temple E-sports, and work with Web and Podcasts for Temple Universities radio station WHIP. In my free time I love to read books of all genres, trying out new fashion trends, traveling, dancing and indulging in different styles of music. I love spending time with my cat and binge watching the latest show releases and movies.