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5 Reasons Why ‘Big Brother: All Stars 2020’ was a Total Disaster.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

When the cast for Big Brother All Stars 2 was originally leaked on Twitter back in July, I remember being ecstatic. Some of my favorite players, like Ian Terry and Da’Vonne Rogers were returning; it seemed too good to be true! But as the season progressed, it became more and more evident that this season was doomed from the start. From pre game alliances to boring feeds, here’s 5 reasons this season of Big Brother was a total disaster.

Houseguests #17 and #18: Derrick Levasseur and Dan Gheesling

While this may only be a rumor, many BB superfans believe that Derrick and Dan were involved in creating alliances before the game even began. Houseguest Bayleigh Dayton confirmed Derrick’s involvement, (although he went on to deny it) so there is no solid evidence that this actually occurred. In the end though, strong alliances formed so early in the game seems way too good to be true! 

The Committee

Commonly referred to on Twitter as the “KKKomittee,” this alliance seemed to make it their mission to target all of the black houseguests, calling them “dangerous” and “threatening,” despite these houseguests doing nothing to deserve these titles. This group also participated in making fun of fellow houseguest Ian Terry who has Autism and experienced a lot of anxiety while in the house. Fans of the show were especially disappointed in Nicole Franzel who portrayed herself as Ian’s best friend in the house, but then participated in making fun of him with the rest of her alliance. Houseguest Tyler Crispin was also accused of participating in performative activism after offering to take place of Da’Vonne or Bayleigh on the block because they were both “standing for a bigger cause.” Regardless though, fans felt he just wanted to leave the game for personal reasons and wanted to be portrayed as an ally to the Black Lives Matter movement instead of revealing his true intentions.

The First Blindside of the Season Didn’t Happen Until the Last Episode

Despite being all stars, it seemed everyone in the house was afraid to make big game moves. The same people were the targets every week, and although there were several discussions of creating chaos within the house, (like how Dani Donato planned on interrupting Da’Vonne’s Veto ceremony) not a single one of these plans pulled through. This left every week to be predictable and quite boring. No one was blindsided until the final episode when Cody Calafiore (Temple alum!!) chose to take Enzo Palumbo to the final 2 instead of Nicole Franzel. 

Even Zingbot was Boring this Season

Zingbot is personally my favorite part of Big Brother every year, but this year they just did not roast the houseguests as hard as they could’ve. They had so much to work with, considering how disastrous of a season it already was at this point, and they fell through and played it incredibly safe. Everyone’s made fun of Nicole Franzel’s voice Zingbot, you can do better than that!

All The Entertaining Houseguests Left Early in the Game!!

This point is very much opinion-based, but all of my favorite houseguests were evicted in the first couple weeks making the live feeds and even the episodes themselves insanely boring. The power duos like Jaysar and Day and Bay made the show fun, and once they were evicted, it became almost unwatchable. Once it got down to the final 7, there was no one left in the house that I found entertaining or even likeable (sorry Tyler fans !!) All the weeks started looking the same, no one was doing anything fun on the feeds, there were no interesting conversations; it was simply boring.

My disappointment in this season is immeasurable, the cast seemed so promising at first. I couldn’t wait to see Keesha and Janelle in the house together and Da’Vonne and Nicole face off after season 18, but alas, Keesha was evicted first and I can’t remember a single interaction between Da’Vonne and Nicole this whole season. Overall, I’m upset, but even after being disappointed almost 4 seasons in a row, I’m optimistic that they’ll do better next year.

Julie Ryan

Temple '24

Vibing and thriving:-)
Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!