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5 Helpful Tips to Avoid Getting Sick this Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Winter time is great for lots of things, like getting ready for the holidays, having snow days, and bundling up by the fireplace with some hot chocolate.

Winter time is also when a lot of people get sick. With finals right around the corner, there’s no time for college students to take sick days. Here are some helpful tips on staying healthy and avoiding germs this winter:

1. Wash your hands as much as possible

This is probably one of the easiest ways to avoid getting sick. Simply washing your hands after going to the bathroom, before eating, or even after you touch a surface or object will significantly decrease your chances of getting sick.

2. Carry around hand sanitizer

Not only does hand sanitizer make your hands smell amazing (when it’s scented), but it also kills the bacteria on your hands. If you aren’t able to get to a bathroom to wash your hands, this is a good alternative—just don’t rely on solely cleaning your hands with hand sanitizer.

3. Clean your belongings

Lysol wipes work wonders against germs in your apartment or dorm. So, simply wiping down your counters, door knobs, desk, and other furniture will help keep you from getting sick. Especially with objects you don’t always remember to sanitize, like your phone or your laptop keys, it’s important to disinfect your belongings regularly.

4. Don’t share food

For some, this is already a tip they abide by, but for others it’s good to try and not eat shared food. Eating someone else’s food or eating food that you shared with someone is a quick way to get their germs and sickness. According to WebMD, you can catch illnesses from a person who doesn’t even have symptoms yet, so definitely be cautious.

5. Get your flu shot

Along with all of your regular yearly shots, don’t forget that flu shot. Places like CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, your doctor’s office, and urgent care clinics all offer no-cost flu shots with insurance. It’s a simple way to help you avoid the flu this winter.

If you follow these tips, you should have a healthy and happy winter. Remember to not touch things in public and to stay away from visibly sick people. Good luck!

Temple sophomore majoring in journalism and film. Lover of big cities, delicious food, and awesome films.