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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Makeup trends have been escalating all over the internet since its creation, but the question today isn’t “What kind of makeup products are the best,” or “What do we think of the new Kylie lip product?” Today I am asking, where do you feel the most comfortable doing your makeup? Do you prefer standing at the sink in the bathroom, sitting on the floor next to a full-length mirror in the corner of your room, or sitting at a vanity?

Chatting with my sorority sisters the other day about this topic intrigued me. I always tried different ways of doing my makeup, and sometimes I wouldn’t necessarily have a choice for where I did it if I was traveling or didn’t have a mirror available. Of course, there are many other places where I’ve done my makeup as well (i.e. in the car, but not while driving of course). When it comes to doing your makeup at home, however, many of us have a place we prefer, as second nature as which shoe you put on first.

Floor Girls

Floor girls have such a good vibe to me. Especially if their space is adorned with a pillow for them to sit on, with the morning sun filling the room. Doing makeup on the floor seems super calming and relaxing, as well as giving them time to wake up in the morning. Floor girls to me give off very zen energy and I would KILL to be a floor girl, but I don’t know how they do it! My back would absolutely kill me and I feel like it would send me straight to the chiropractor. That being said, I am not a floor girl but when someone tells me that they do their makeup on the floor, I’d assume that they fit the hippy mold quite well.

Vanity Girls

Vanities are so much fun and feel super feminine, so when that’s the kind of mood you’re in, it’s easy to feel that way when vanities are used. I had a vanity that was passed down in my family for a while and I absolutely loved it. It was a perfect place to store all my makeup and was a beautiful golden brown color. The wood finish, small details on the mirror stands, and the large oval mirror made me feel so fancy and vintage. Even after I stopped using it, it was a staple for my room at the time. Vanity girls give off very elegant vibes to me. When someone tells me they’re a vanity girl, I know she loves to be comfortable and well taken care of. She loves the glitz and glamor of life and spends her time romanticizing life every day.

Bathroom Girls

Bathroom girls do it well, and quickly. Bathroom girls don’t love to take their time doing makeup but still do it extremely well. These social butterflies spend more time talking on the phone or jamming out to music to truly put time and effort into doing their makeup. Standing up at the sink gives off preparing-to-run type energy and definitely high-speed productivity, perfect for a girl running around and overbooking herself. That being said, I am a bathroom girl. I am running around constantly and really don’t have time to sit down and do it. Mascara is sometimes the only thing possible and then I’m out the door. Bathroom girls are speedy, busy, and on the move.

Whatever girl you are, your life is ten times easier because of the place you choose to do your makeup, and if the routine changes, the day just feels off. What kind of girl are you? 

Hi! I'm Kailee Rapkin and I attend Texas Christian University! I am from Seattle, WA and am Majoring in Sociology, Minoring in Psychology and taking an emphasis in Women and Gender Studies. My favorite color is green and I love hiking and doing anything outdoors. :)