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Transferring to TCU: How to Survive Your First Week on Campus

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

I’m three weeks into the semester, and from experience, I can say that being a transfer student is weird. My advice? Don’t be scared! While transferring can be uncomfortable, it can also be as amazing as you’re desperately hoping it will be! Transferring, like all things in college, is what you make of it!

People transfer for a lot of reasons. Maybe you started out at a community college, or your original plan didn’t work out like you thought it would. Regardless of why you transferred, you’re here! I’ve officially survived the first three weeks of my first semester as a horned frog, and so can you!

Here are my top three tips to help you be successful when you transfer:

Spend time on Campus

In order to learn your way around a new campus, you need to be there! Although it can be slightly embarrassing to walk around confused, trust me, you are not the only one who is lost- especially early on in the semester! I recommend spending the pockets of time between classes in the library or a public space in an academic building. Not only will this practice help you feel more at home on campus, it will help you build in some time to study!

use your (potentially brand new) adult wisdom

Trust what you know!

As a transfer student, you’ve already successfully completed multiple college classes. In addition to that, since you likely are not a teenager (or fresh out of high school), you can leave the deep shame of adolescence in the past. You have already proven that you are good at something! Volunteer for leadership or any other opportunities that may come your way! Just because you are new to campus does not mean you are unable to participate in opportunities thought solely to be for upperclassmen; you might even be an upperclass student after all!

Don’t be afraid to try something new

While you may have less time in your schedule or are already past the “point of no return” in your major coursework, this doesn’t prevent you from being able to try something new! Transferring is your fresh start. Your new school may have many different organizations and classes you’ve never heard about or had the time to try. Now is your time to experiment with these opportunities! You never know what knowledge, passion, or friends you could discover!

Elena Butterfield is a member of the Her Campus at TCU chapter. She loves to write about her experience as a transfer student, music, female empowerment and current events. Excited for her first year with Her Campus and TCU, Elena is a transfer student and current junior! She is working on her Bachelor of Arts in Writing with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. At her old school, St. Edward’s University, she was the Lead Prose Editor of the Sorin Oak Review. At TCU, she is currently part of the team for the eleven40seven publication. Born and raised in Fort Worth, Elena still loves exploring the city. She also loves to travel. Her favorite place to visit are the mountains of New Mexico. In her free time, she loves to journal and write poetry. She also loves reading other people’s poetry and other writing. Elena is also currently watching Grey’s Anatomy for the first time and loves watching Netflix dating shows with her dogs.