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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

First we were strangers. Then, we were roommates. Now, we’re the best of friends! The story of Eleni and Hayden (or “Len and Den” as we like to refer to ourselves) has only just begun, but it’s been full of fun times and great memories. Neither of us could have ever guessed that our roommate-ship would turn into a close friendship that will (hopefully) last for years. So now we tell the tale of how it came to be, in hopes that it will be an inspiration to current roommates and to aspiring roommates. Our four-part story begins less than a year ago…


PART 1: The Online Talking

It was mid-January 2015, and Hayden and Eleni had just officially enrolled at TCU. The next logical step was to find a roommate! Eleni, after joining the Class of 2019 Facebook page, feared that all the good roommates had already been taken. She wanted to lock one down quick, so she made a post on the page explaining a little bit about herself and stated that she was looking for a roommate who was also in the honors dorm. A few girls replied to Eleni’s post, including Hayden, who had also began fretting about who her future roommate would be. Hayden slid into Eleni’s DMs and they soon began a lively (and awkward) chat about themselves. After getting to know each other, Eleni popped the very important question: Would Hayden like to room with her? Thankfully, the answer was yes. They both rejoiced!


Eleni hoping someone would respond to her post:

Hayden after seeing Eleni’s post on the TCU Class of 2019 Facebook page:

Hayden then sliding into Eleni’s DMs like:

Eleni and Hayden after sending the first messages and waiting for the other to respond:

After Eleni and Hayden messaged on Facebook for hours on end:

But then Hayden’s reaction when she thought she might only be Eleni’s side ho:

Fortunately, Eleni was brave enough to seal the bond of roommate-ship and celebration ensued:


PART 2: The First Meeting

Fast-forward three months. It was now April, and Eleni and Hayden were supposed to meet for the first time at Honor’s Night. Eleni arrived before Hayden did, nervously looking around to see if she would recognize her new roomie. “Are you here yet?” she texted Hayden. Hayden was not there yet, but would be soon. When Hayden finally arrived, the two girls greeted each other with a hug that marked the beginning of a night filled with laughter as two strangers took the first step towards becoming roommates.


Eleni waiting for Hayden to arrive:

The awkward moment when Eleni and Hayden first met:

Eleni and Hayden trying to play it cool during the Honors’ Night presentation:

When Hayden and Eleni have to say goodbye for a while:


PART 3: The Initial Few Weeks of Co-Inhabitance

It’s move-in day, the fresh start to the new school year. Hayden and Eleni spend hours with their families lugging stuff into their new (and very small) dorm room, but soon it is time for the families to leave and Hayden and Eleni are on their own. At first, life as roomies is strange and new, but after spending lots of time together, they bond and become good friends. It’s clear that they made the right choice when it came to picking a roommate.


Eleni and Hayden trying to move things into their dorm room like:

After a few weeks of living together:

They discover that they have many similar habits:

Including reenacting Broadway musicals in their spare time:

And soon they find that they’re becoming BFFs:


PART 4: The Rest of Forever

Today, Hayden and Eleni live in perfect harmony (For the most part). In their spare time, you can probably find them singing show tunes loudly or eating snacks on the floor of their room. They’re truly living the dream. As you can see, the road to becoming “froomies” was a short walk with a big jump into the world of friendship. Ask either of the girls now when the exact moment they became best friends, and they wouldn’t be able to tell you. However, the friendship is there, and it will live on for years to come.


Eleni Michaelides is a freshman marketing major at Texas Christian University. She's part of the Honors College, Gamma Phi Beta sorority, the Chancellor's Leadership Program, and the writing and advertising teams for Her Campus TCU. Eleni's Top 5 Favorite things are puppies, monograms, musicals, food, and Disney. (In no particular order)
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.