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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

So if you’re anything like me, you’ve opened up your calendar this week and had a slight panic to see that we only have 2 weeks left of school. Somewhere along the endless papers and projects, we winded down to the final stretch. If you’re also anything like me, you’re finding it so hard to find motivation to push through. Luckily, I have a few tips to help make these next few couple of weeks fly by with as minimal stress as possible!


First things first: schedule, schedule, schedule!

            I cannot emphasize this enough. Last year I had a ton of projects due and was overwhelmed on where to start. My friend suggested making a list. I never used to make them, thinking my trusted planner was enough for me, but she explained that she makes lists that are more like a time schedule. Since then, I abide by it. Breaking down your day and learning time management is a large part in reducing stress. The more you know what you are going to do and at what time you’re going to do it, the easier life is.


Procrastinating gets you nowhere.

            After you have your schedule, it’s time to get to work. I’ve been guilty of looking at the clock and saying I’ll start something at 8:30 when it’s 8:15. Don’t underestimate your work, because it’s there, and it’s unfortunately not going anywhere. Once you get started, get to work. Listen to some music that will keep you motivated and keep you focused. I hear that classical music works for some people, but I personally resort to more nature sounds, especially when writing a paper. Stay away from music that is going to distract you more than help you be productive. I love Beyoncé as much as the next person, but I unfortunately cannot listen to her when writing a 10 page paper without spontaneously breaking out into song and dance.


Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy!

            It is very easy to get caught up in the amount of work we’ll have over these next few weeks, and it also very easy to stay locked up in your room or library for hours on end. Although it feels super productive to be working continuously, your body needs a break. Running is one way I relieve stress, but if the thought of that makes you scowl, find something that works for you! There’s circuit training, swimming, weights, yoga, anything! As long as you get the blood flowing in your body, it will get pumped in your brain and stir for more creativity and wake you up. You can keep it simple and just do some basic stretches in your room or even a mini dance party with your friend; nothing is too small!


Mental health is key.

            Now I’m not DJ Khalid, but maintaining your mental health is definitely a key to success. Seriously though, I will be the first to admit that when I get really stressed it brings a lot of emotional and nervous breakdowns, and I am sure I am not the only one. If you struggle with this, remember to pace yourself and your work. If you’re feeling a panic coming on, take a few minutes and step away from your work. Take some deep breaths until you feel yourself calming down. This might even be a sign that you should take a small break from your work. Find a way to help you relax. Meditation is one option but there are so many others. For me, as silly as it sounds, I feel the most calm when I drink a hot cup of tea and listen to Christmas music, even if it is late April. Find what works for you. If you are in the middle of a panic attack, it is important to control your breathing. A trick I learned is to count. Count until you feel calm again. Another method I heard works is naming the objects around you. If you do deal with these more severe panic attacks, please try and seek someone to talk to. My advice can only go so far, but know you are definitely not alone!


Watch those all-nighters.

            I am not a coffee person, as I was more raised on tea, but I do have friends that make coffee their religion. Caffeine can definitely help you and be a good pick me up on those early mornings, but be careful not to overdo it. Your body can become addicted to it and almost crave it when you don’t actually need it. If you’re going to have coffee to stay up all night, make it worthwhile; don’t get it and chug the entire thing like it’s a frat party! Last semester I went 48 hours with no sleep finishing an art project. My body adjusted to it, but I definitely regretted it once I hit the pillow that weekend. Do remember that sleep is important. I’m sure I am getting countless scoffs or eye rolls as that is what I do when my teachers say in an upbeat voice to “try and get some sleep!” We do have a lot of work on our plates right now, but sleep really is important. It’s a chance to recharge our bodies and brains. Even if you can’t get a full night’s sleep, which I haven’t had since freshman year of high school, at least try and get 1, 2, or even 3 hours. Some sleep is better than nothing.


Hopefully these tips will help you push through these next two weeks, and if anything just remember that summer is right around the corner!




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Dallas, TX born and raised! Sophomore at Texas Christian University, and aspiring Graphic Designer. One day hopes to be a publisher or editor in either fashion, interior, or wedding magazines!