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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

For those of you who have been following me for a while now, the fact that I’m old, gray, and slowly decaying is of no news to you. But alas, it’s true. I’m a senior. (The horror!)

Admittedly, I didn’t believe people when they told me time would fly during college. I assumed, like high school, that when the time came to be a senior, deep down I’d be ready for it. Now here I am, crying at every little last thing. My last first day of school. My last first time doing sorority recruitment. My last soccer tryouts. And it’s only been a week! I can’t fathom the mess I’ll be at graduation. And I know it’s a privilege to be sad, to have known the wonder of something and feel the pain of losing it. I’m just not ready to be sad yet.

Not to be dramatic, but it’s my goal to make the absolute most of my last year at TCU. I want to remember everything, to create moments that live in my mind forever. So, my friends and I have decided to embark on the oldest and most faithful of traditions: the bucket list. I’ve shared the safe-for-work rendition of our list below in case you and your friends need inspiration…

Here are a few of the things we want to do before we graduate in 2025:

  1. Host a movie night in Milton Daniel Hall (our first-year dorm)
  2. Try one new restaurant in Fort Worth every month 
  3. Go to an away TCU football game
  4. Jump in Frog Fountain (if you know you know)
  5. Watch the sunset (and the sunrise) in the Carter
  6. Host a tailgate
  7. Get on the jumbotron 
  8. Vacation at a lake house
  9. Do a spring break trip together
  10. Try out the new dining hall on campus
  11. Watch the cattle run in The Stockyards 
  12. See a concert in Dallas 
  13. Climb the TCU Rec rock wall 
  14. Host a theme party 
  15. Win one of the big giveaways at the football games

Here’s to the start of senior year, and the beginning of the end of college. Enjoy it.

Colleen Wyrick is the former president of the Her Campus at TCU chapter. She enjoys writing about current pop culture events, female empowerment, and her latest book/TV interest. She loves her role and connecting with new members! Colleen is an aspiring writer/editor/publisher/professor and is a senior (*sigh*) at Texas Christian University studying English and Communication. In addition to Her Campus, she contributes to academic publications for the English Department and works for TCU’s Admission Team. She is very passionate about books, Marvel, chocolate, soccer, and all things comfortable. You can find her doing anything and everything because she loves new adventures!