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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

If you know me, or if you’re getting to know me, you already know that I am a big music fan. While I wouldn’t describe my taste in music as exceedingly diverse, I continuously aim to explore and expand my taste beyond my comfort genres (rock, pop, indie). Like many, I do not believe in an existence without music. So, I thought a nice (sort of condensed) description of my current top five songs would be a perfect way to introduce myself as a Her Campus writer!

#5: “Stray Heart” – Green Day

It’s true that emo never really dies. I constantly have this song on replay due to its fun, jumpy, and soulful beat and lyrics. As a former rom-com fan, I believe this song belongs in one of those ’90s/early 2000s rom-com montages, particularly in an enemy-to-lovers trope. Although I am not much of a Green Day listener, this song is probably one of the happier/softer songs I have listened to by them.

#4: “Rumors” and “Get Off My Phone” – THE DRIVER ERA

I put these two in the same rank, partially because I couldn’t decide which was higher than the other, and partially because I didn’t want to put the same artist in two separate ranks. After their concert at TCU, I took note of the songs that had stuck out to me, “Rumors” and “Get Off My Phone” being two of them. 

Starting with “Rumors”: minus the “cause I’m on your tongue” part, the beginning and ending of this song resemble a coming-of-age movie. The change in instrumentals and pre-chorus lyrics perfectly lead into the catchy chorus. This song is not phenomenal, but it’s a cute, airy song that earns a constant replay!

“Get Off My Phone” is your typical breakup song. However, what stuck out to me was its second verse: “Face down, I hit the concrete and started to bleed / I wish I could call you, but now we don’t speak / I’m fine in this dark motel / Feeling what we felt/ I just hope you’re well.” I have never experienced heartbreak, but I felt it when Ross delivered these lines. Poor guy.

#3: “ride” – wave to earth

Instrumentals and vocals!! This song first came up when I was packing to move into my dorm, and it had me on the floor. The beginning guitar and the addition of the space-sounding instrumental led me to have an out-of-body experience. It is truly such a pretty song, and I believe it suits my current vibe as I start my first semester of college. It also reminds me of my dog, so that’s a bonus.

 #2: “Introducción A La Cartografía” – PXNDX (Panda)

As a kid, I was introduced to many artists. But, many of the artists I listen to these days are particularly from when I briefly lived in Tennessee, which was one of my most memorable experiences. One of these artists is Mexican rock band Panda. “Introducción a la Cartographía” doesn’t have much to do with me other than that it brings me crazy nostalgia for the early 2010s. Lead singer José Madero’s raspy voice along with the drums and satisfying guitar put the song not only on my replay list, but also on my top songs for the year! Honestly, that’s the whole Sangre Fría album, though. In my totally unbiased-biased opinion, Mexican rock is the best rock, and I would highly recommend giving it, and Panda if you get the chance, a listen.

#1: “She’s Thunderstorms” – Arctic Monkeys

Ignoring the “bittersweet” backstory to this song, “She’s Thunderstorms” is always my number one (in addition to “Cornerstone”). Not only does this song hurt, but it delivers!! Starting with the intro guitar solo, then bringing in all of the other instruments from start to finish, you hear about this fascinating woman who has the lead singer (Alex Turner) in a loop, so infatuated! While I am not fond of much poetry, I am a fan of Alex Turner’s poetry. A lot of music these days reveals its meaning upfront; however, with the Arctic Monkeys, you really do have to listen to understand. For example, “Teddy Picker,” an upbeat song, talks about fame and its downsides. I would have honestly never known that if I hadn’t been curious and looked at the annotated lyrics. “She’s Thunderstorms” is most memorable for not only its hitting guitar riffs but its hard hitting bridge. It is easily one of the album’s best songs!

I am constantly hopping from music genre to music genre, looking for new music and songs’ deeper meanings. I hope that I have sparked your interest in some of these songs and that you have a listen for yourself!

Alejandra Jaramillo is a new member of the Her Campus at the TCU chapter. She enjoys writing about music, books, TV/movies and just about anything within the pop culture world. Alejandra is a current freshman at TCU, majoring in Social Work, in hopes of working with children & families. Outside of Her Campus, Alejandra enjoys hanging out with friends and family, reading the Twilight series, and listening to music of all genres (mainly rock and calm music). Additionally, she enjoys writing and hopes to be able to share her many thoughts on various subjects!