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Michael Drake: Class of 2018

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Name: Michael Drake

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Year: Freshman, Class of 2018

Major: Accounting and Finance

Relationship Status: Single


Campus Involvement:

·       KLIFE Ministries

·       Beta Theta Pi

·       SGA

·       Frog Camp

·       Student Foundation


Q: Why TCU?

A: “I wanted to be more than just a Business major or a Chicago-land kid. I wanted to be pushed past my comfort zone to live life on the edge and experience things I never would have before. College is a time of growth, and TCU offered the most growth for me.”


Q: Favorite place in Fort Worth?

A: “Vee Lounge. Heroes are made at Vee Lounge.”


Q: What do you look for in a girl?

A: “A heart for others. I love a gal that is a servant leader and puts the concerns of the team in front of themselves.”


Q: Ideal date?

A: “Dinner for sure. Could be anywhere, but I love spending time getting to know people.”


Q: What are your plans for the summer?

A: “I will be going on a study abroad trip through the Honors College called Cultural Routes where I will be backpacking through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. I’m incredibly stoked about that. Then, I will be a counselor for a Christian all-sports camp in Iowa called Loras All-Sports Camp. Then, I will be a facilitator for Frog Camp Casa Nueva C! This summer is going to be incredible.”

Q: Favorite pick up line?

A: “Are you a fruit, because honeydew you know how fine you look right now?”


Q: If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

A: “Passionate, Intentional, Patient.” 


Photo Sources: Michael Drake

Emily is a contributing writer for Her Campus TCU and a sophomore English/Political Science double major on the Pre-Law track. She is a northerner with a newly discovered obsession with sweet tea, large t-shirts, and anything southern. When she's not worrying about her future, Emily enjoys watching marathons of Gilmore Girls on Netflix, discovering eclectic coffee shops that bring out her inner hipster, and contemplating the true meaning of the word "srat". Oh, and she has a fish named Christian.