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A Letter to My College Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Dear College Best Friend,

            People always say that the friends you make in college are the friends you have for life. I started college hoping this would be true but also nervous about making friends. You texted me on the first day, asking if I wanted to grab dinner, and I’m so glad you did. Although we went to the same high school, we were never friends, but it was still a comfort to know someone in the sea of unfamiliar faces. Looking back, I never would have guessed we would become best friends. In the words of Sharpay and Ryan, “It’s hard to believe that I couldn’t see, you were always there beside me.” I can’t believe that we missed out on such a great friendship in high school, but I’m glad that things worked out the way they did. Now that we’re almost done with our freshman year, I want you to know that you are family to me and one of my greatest blessings. There are so many things I want to thank you for.

            You are such a big part of my life now that I can’t imagine and I never want to know what it would be like without you. You’re my other half, the Joey to my Chandler. I came into college fresh out of a bad friendship. I lost one of my high school best friend due to pettiness. I know now that life was just preparing me for a greater, stronger, and healthier relationship. This first year of college has had many ups and downs, and I’m so glad that you’ve been by my side for all of it. You’ve always shared my happiness when something good happens, and you’ve always been supportive of anything I put my mind to. At my lowest points, you’ve supported me and comforted me. Who else would have sat and listened to me cry for almost two hours straight? You always seem to know what to say in all situations. You’re always honest with me and tell me the things I need to hear, not the things I want to hear. You are an amazing individual and you will never cease to amaze me with your intelligence, kindness, and strength.

            We’ve made so many wonderful and crazy memories this semester. Thinking about everything just makes me smile. Our sleepovers were the best, and I’m so excited that we will be living together next semester! I can’t wait to keep up the late night food runs and adventures and watching Friends on Netflix until we both pass out. I love all our talks, whether they have been serious or hilarious. I love how supportive we are of each other’s extracurricular activities and interests. I’m glad that we share a sense of humor and can always find something relatable on Facebook or Instagram to tag each other in and laugh about. I’ll never get tired of anything that we do together and I always look forward to our next adventure.

            There are a lot of things I am uncertain about but I know for sure that you and I will be in each other’s lives for a long time. I know that you’ll never stop being the great friend that you are. Thank you for letting me learn and grow with you and for sharing this part of your life with me. I want you to know that everything you do for me, I will do for you and more. I will always love and support you. You’ve forever impacted my life and I hope that I can impact yours. I can’t wait to see what else life has in store for us! Thank you for everything, I love you so much.


Your Best Friend



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Judy is a TCU Freshman and Fort Worth native who enjoys exploring the DFW area. She is passionate about eating sushi, watching Friends, and going to concerts. One day, she hopes to be an optometrist and a sushi connoisseur. Judy is always down for a good time and to experience new things.