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How I Tackled The Flu TWICE This Season…And You Can Too!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

The flu this season is rampant and infecting people not once, but sometimes twice, within the same season. Unfortunately, I fell victim to this unforgiving illness twice, and it was brutal. It was not fun. It was not easy. But I came out of it both times with more knowledge about how to better tackle any seasonal sickness that gets thrown my way…and here’s how you can too!

1. Take A deep breath and recognize the facts

I don’t know if this is just me, but when I am sick, I am an emotional wreck. I feel frustrated and annoyed that I have to take time off from my busy schedule to deal with a sore throat or a pounding headache. Being upset is okay, but I found that it gets me absolutely nowhere and leaves me feeling even worse than I did before. To help with this, I learned to take a deep breath and recognize the facts. I tell myself that, yes, I am sick today. Will I be sick in a few days? A week? A few weeks? Most likely, the answer is no, this pain will pass. This helps me realize that the misery I am feeling today will seem like a distant memory next week. Additionally, I try to remind myself that I can take advantage of the time this sickness is giving me and rest. Whether it is catching up on my favorite show or watching a movie I’ve been eager to see, this down-time is great to let your body rest up, so enjoy it while you can!

2. Drink a lot of water and eat bland foods

This may seem like a given, and I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing this. But after getting the flu twice this season, this common advice seemed to make more sense to me. I went to the doctor the first time I got diagnosed with the flu, but I ended up going back the next day because it seemed like I was only getting worse. The one thing the doctor told me after my second visit was that I MUST eat and drink as much as I possibly could or else my symptoms would worsen. The outcome of this entire situation was in my hands, but this notion seemed untrue, so I ignored this solution for a while. The doctor stated that the best medicine for viral illnesses like the flu and the common cold is to stay hydrated and well nourished. These natural ways of healing are best for our bodies and allow for our immune systems to work better and faster. I took her words very seriously the second time, and I found that my flu seemed to heal a lot faster since I made sure to drink plenty of water and eat bland foods with high nutrients.

3. Sleep, sleep, sleep

Again, this may seem like a given, but it is so important, and I just couldn’t leave it out. Sleeping is one of the best things you can do for yourself when you’re sick because your body heals when you are sleeping. By giving yourself time to rest and relax, your body can continue battling a virus while you get some relief from the grueling symptoms you are facing. I personally struggle to sleep when I am sick due to the discomfort from a sore throat or a fever, so I like to take NyQuil to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. I find that it gives me the nudge I need to close my eyes and ignore the pain. Additionally, while NyQuil helps me fall asleep, it acts as a pain reliever and flu suppressant so I can get some relief from the symptoms while trying to get some shut-eye.

4. Liquid dayquil and nyquil all the way

DayQuil and NyQuil were my holy grails when battling the flu, and they truly got me through some of the worst of my symptoms. After trying many different forms, I found that liquid DayQuil and NyQuil worked significantly better at providing instant relief. No, this is not an ad for DayQuil or NyQuil, but wish it was because I spent bank on this stuff. I believe the liquid form is much better than the pill because the liquid coats your throat when you take it and helps numb some of the irritation and soreness. While I definitely agree that the liquid tastes absolutely disgusting and physically makes me gag when I take it, it does a much better job at soothing the pain and working efficiently in addressing the problem areas. To help with the taste, I hold my nose close, take it, then flush it down with lots of water and gatorade to help mask the taste on my tongue!

5. shower steamers are a must

Lastly, one of the best things I did to tackle my flu symptoms was using shower steamers. If you don’t know what these are, they are like bath bombs; they release essential oils into the air in your shower. They smell incredible and most definitely helped clear up my sinuses. They come in scents like peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, etc. I found that these were so helpful in clearing my sinuses but also in providing a relaxing shower experience. Shower steam is already good for you when you’re sick because it loosens chest congestion and allows you to breath more easily. By adding the shower steamers, I found that my headache, runny nose, and other symptoms were addressed, and I felt much better after my shower. While this is only a temporary form of relief, I found it to be one of the most comforting. Also, these are great for college bathrooms since most don’t have a bathtub for bath bombs. You can still get the delight of a bath bomb in the shower!

*The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s, and they do not reflect a paid endorsement of any kind.

School: Texas Christian University Year: Freshman Hometown: Lower Merion, PA