It’s that time of year again when most grocery stores have green tables manned by 10-year-old girls selling cookies. Seeing as Girl Scout Cookie sales are an annual event, I knew when I visited the Kroger on TCU’s campus and saw that elusive table that I had to stop and check it out. While I only went home with two boxes this year, as an avid Girl Scout Cookie fan, I can confidently say that I’ve tried every flavor at least once in my life, making me believe I’m qualified to judge and rank every Girl Scout Cookie flavor.
#12 Caramel deLites
The Girl Scouts website describes these as “Crisp cookies with caramel, coconut, and chocolaty stripes .” My problem with these cookies lies in the coconut aspect. Caramel and chocolate don’t need coconut to make a complete cookie. It’s an unnecessary addition that ruins the texture and taste, earning Caramel deLites last place.
#11 Toffee-tastic
These “Gluten-free, rich, buttery cookies with sweet, crunchy toffee bits” are anything but rich and buttery. The gluten-free recipe ruins the texture of the cookie, which is unfortunate because the toffee is nice. But that’s just the way the cookie crumbles (literally, because the gluten-free recipe makes the cookie so crumbly it practically falls apart in your hand).
#10 Adventurefuls
Adventurefuls are leaps and bounds ahead of the last two cookies flavor-wise, but still one of the weakest cookies. The Girl Scout website describes them as “brownie-inspired” and I think it was a great attempt, but the cookies are just too dense to be enjoyable. The “hint of sea salt” definitely helps balance things out, however, putting them in tenth place.
#9 Lemon-Ups
I do like these cookies quite a bit. The lemon flavor is good, and the “inspiring messages” baked into the cookies are charming. However, of the two lemon-flavored cookies sold by Girl Scouts, this one falls short and doesn’t stand out in any other significant way.
#8 Caramel Chocolate Chip
Another gluten-free cookie that just has a poor texture. Aside from the texture though, the flavor is pretty good. “Semisweet chocolate chips, and a hint of sea salt” pair fairly well together. It’s nothing special, though. If you have a gluten restriction but still want Girl Scout cookies, I would go for the Caramel Chocolate Chip over Toffee-tastic.
#7 Peanut Butter Sandwich
The Peanut Butter Sandwiches, much like the Lemon-Ups, are great. But, compared to the other peanut butter cookies these are just worse. The “Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies” are the best part of the cookie and the reason they’re ranked seventh.
#6 Toast-Yay!
These cookies, full of “French toast flavor” are almost perfect. The cinnamon flavor is amazing, and the toast shape is adorable, but the icing the cookie is dipped in is a little too sweet, and I think the cookie is better off without it.
#5 Girl Scout S’mores
This cookie is amazing, and I really have no critiques. The shape is iconic, and the filling is delicious. It is a very sweet cookie that can get old fast, but it still deserves fifth place.
#4 Trefoils
Trefoils are plain shortbread cookies that were inspired by the original Girl Scout sugar cookie. Of course, as one of the most iconic cookies, it’s perfect. Obviously, it’s fairly plain but still sweet. Once again, no notes.
#3 Peanut Butter Patties
It was hard to rank these last three cookies, as they’re all perfect to me, but Peanut Butter Patties come in third. I wish the peanut butter was just a little sweeter, but I could still eat an entire box of these as they are now (and I probably have).
#2 Thin Mints
Arguably the most popular cookie, Thin Mints comes in second. I love these cookies and wouldn’t change a thing, but if I had to pick only one Girl Scout cookie to eat forever, Thin Mints would be my second choice, meaning I had no choice but to put them in second place on this list.
#1 Lemonades
The perfect Girl Scout cookie. The “tangy lemon-flavored icing” is the best part of the cookie. The Girl Scout website describes the cookie as savory, and while I don’t agree with that exact adjective, it does have a unique taste that none of the other cookies can hold a candle to. Lemonades are my absolute favorite Girl Scout cookie, and I couldn’t see them in any other place but first.