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Five Simple Steps to Asking Your Date to Formal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Formals are some of the most fun events in college. The hair, the makeup, the dress. The glamour of it all makes formals so exciting! But then comes the dreaded decision…the date. Who do I ask? How do I ask? When do I ask? Don’t worry here are some simple guidelines to make asking your date to formal as painless as possible!


1. Scope out the competition.

2. Once the ideal date is found, let the stalking begin.

3. Send a text.

4. Say a prayer.

5. Get the date of your dreams.

6. Or take your roommate if he “gets the flu” because sisters before misters!

Megan is a TCU Journalism major from New Orleans, Louisiana. She can be found talking about Scandal or the Bachelor on any given day, and enjoys writing in her free time.
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.