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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

I have been in the United States for three years now, but I have never really experienced its traditions. This year, 2021, I finally had my first Thanksgiving holiday. The fourth Thursday of November is a very unique day for every American around the world. It’s the time when families get together to enjoy each other’s company, eat, and see their loved ones after a very long year.

My first Thanksgiving was away from home (Greece!) but at least it was with extended family members. During our break for the holidays, I went to visit my second cousins in Tampa, Florida. I have visited them before during my Spring Break but never during Thanksgiving. We had an amazing time, with great weather of 70-80 degrees, amazing food, and wonderful company.

When the day finally came, we all gathered in one big house. There were around 13 people so the house was full of children playing and adults laughing. My cousin’s husband has a degree from a culinary school, so I knew the food would be delicious. The feast included turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, at least four pumpkin pies, stuffing, baby tomatoes, and a lot more. We sat around the table at 2 p.m. and started to eat. The food was so good that I had to stop when my stomach was finally full. We all talked about our problems, what we have been doing, how work and school are going, and how thankful we are to be together at the table.

When we were all done, we helped pick up the plates and clean the kitchen while the children went swimming in the pool (Florida Thanksgiving includes a pool!). The rest of the day was very chill, and we even roasted marshmallows over the outdoor fire. It was a very special and different day from what I am used to, but I can say that I loved it, and I will remember it forever.

Now that Thanksgiving has passed, I can truly say that it was a very rewarding and enriching experience despite not being able to go home. I am thankful for everything and for having a family away from home. I am looking forward to more American holidays and an even better American Thanksgiving.

My name is Joana Meco, I was born and raised in Greece but I am from Albania. I love sports, Netflix and hanging out with friends.