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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Hey girl!

As a First-Gen student myself, I just wanted to give you a few words of encouragement as we get to the final stretch of the semester. College is definitely hard for everyone (at least I think it is), but I know we have a few extra struggles, so if no one has told you the following, allow me to be the first! 

#1. I applaud your commitment to creating a future that’s not only better for yourself but better for the family that came before you and even the generations to come. It’s kind of a lot being first-gen, but to be honest, it’s also a pretty big slay. I mean it’s pretty iconic being a pioneer for the people that matter the most to you, you know?

#2. You’re still “that girl” even if you don’t own one million skincare products. You’re still “that girl” if you wear drugstore makeup and can’t afford everything you see in GRWM TikTok videos. You’re still “that girl” if you can’t afford Lululemon leggings or an iPad for class. Being a Hot Girl, That Girl, It Girl, and everything else related is really a mindset thing so no worries!

#3. Your mental health really is so important! Therapy can be expensive for a lot of us first-gen students, but I urge you to utilize campus resources, the campus community, and, of course, the internet to find ways to stay afloat. Some days are going to be excruciatingly hard, and you may want to give up, but I hope in those moments you will see the bigger picture and remember all those dreams and goals you had when you got here. I hope the vision of the future that you so desperately wish to have will become clearer than ever in these moments, and you’ll find the motivation to keep going. 

#4. If you haven’t heard it lately, you belong at your university. On the days that you fail, you still belong. On the mornings that you just can’t bring yourself to get out of bed, you still belong. When you believe the people around you are better than you and smarter than you… when you begin to feel uneasy and question if you ever deserved your acceptance, your scholarships, or what have you, please recognize that this is all just the effects of imposter syndrome and that you still very much belong. 

#5. College is a marathon, not a sprint. You will rock your finals, you will get into every opportunity meant for you, and you will make it to the finish line. You got this! The job’s not done. 


Your First-Gen Bestie at Her Campus TCU <3

Anaya White is a junior at Texas Christian University studying Business Information Systems and Creative Writing! In her free time, she enjoys playing the ukulele, scrolling through Pinterest, and turning her silly little feelings into poems.