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Calling All College Granola Girls! 5 plants You Should Have in Your College Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

We all know how hard it is to even keep yourself alive during college, let alone a living plant, but have no fear, my plant-loving friend! Here are five GREAT plants to make your dorm the jungle of your dreams.

As Feng shui experts know, the ZZ plant is great for air purification and attracting protective and purifying energy. You only need to water the ZZ plant every two or three weeks, which makes them super low-maintenance, and they don’t need any specific amounts of light. If you have a bright room, expect to water more often (every 2 weeks), and with lower light, expect to water every three weeks or so. This plant is super flexible, easy to take care of, and super funky for your unique space.

The peace lily is great for refreshing your space and detoxifying your environment. Just like the ZZ plant, these plants are tolerant of any light condition, but they thrive in bright and filtered light. The more light it gets, the more it blooms new flowers! Keeping the soil moist is key, so drench that baby in water, but make sure you drain out the excess water to keep it from rotting or growing gnats (don’t worry, these can be treated). Fun Fact: Peace lilies are said to have a good influence on your memory and retention. An added bonus for a college dorm room!

The Snake Plant is a sturdy and rugged indoor houseplant that is very easy to grow. It likes high, medium, and low light, making it perfect for any space you choose to place it in. It helps to water the snake plant around once a week, but water sparingly, as it prefers dryer soil. Fun Fact: taking care of plants like this one increases self-esteem! Personally, taking care of my plants at home keeps me on a good schedule and makes me happy when they grow!

Pothos plants are houseplants that have green, yellow, and white leaves on long, winding stems that can climb trellises and pots. The long stems hang out of the pot when the plant grows, which is awesome for hanging plants, saving space in an already cramped environment. Pothos takes low to medium light; make sure to allow the soil to dry between waterings. It is said that keeping plants such as pothos in your room increases feelings of calm and relaxation!

Last but NOT least, Fern plants are classic houseplants whose fine-textured fonds add a graceful, elegant look to your indoor jungle! Keep your fern under medium light, and don’t let the soil dry out. Ferns love humidity, so group them with other plants. Fun Fact: indoor plants like the fern in your home reduce incidences of dry skin and respiratory problems.

Have faith in your ability to take care of your plants! Do some research and find the best indoor plant that would work for your space and lifestyle. It is so therapeutic to take care of another living thing, and I always look forward to taking care of my plants. I have four wonderful plant babies, and I can’t wait to collect more! I’m always learning more about plants and why they need the things they need and where they come from, so thank you for learning along with me!

Live your truth lovelies! Have a great day <3


Hi! I'm Kailee Rapkin and I attend Texas Christian University! I am from Seattle, WA and am Majoring in Sociology, Minoring in Psychology and taking an emphasis in Women and Gender Studies. My favorite color is green and I love hiking and doing anything outdoors. :)