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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

In years past, my New Year’s resolutions have been daunting tasks that often contribute more stress to my life than they alleviate. I’ve often associated a resolution with a painful alteration to my normal routine. Because of this, many of my aspirations are forgotten come February. This year, however, I decided to focus on one thing I found myself lacking last semester – time appreciating nature. With this resolution in mind, I’ve become more inspired, energized, and eager to fulfill my goals. Here’s how I – a college student – can connect with the outdoors without interrupting my routine.

Outdoor Homework Time

As the weather improves, I work outside at every chance I get. I post myself at a table with a good view of a busy area and people-watch while I work and enjoy some sunshine.

Mindful walks to class

I often find myself buried in my phone while walking to class, but recently, I’ve been more intentional about how I take in my surroundings. By keeping my head up and headphones out, I can listen to and witness the natural world while doing an activity I’m already required to do. 

Outdoor workouts

Whether it’s a walk around campus or working out on one of TCU’s many recreational fields, outdoor workouts are a great way to boost positive energy and enjoy the Earth around you. 

Dwelling in nature is not a time-consuming or daunting task. Rather, it is an easy way to amplify your daily routine. 

Avid reader and writer from Oregon taking on Texas life at TCU.