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5 Ways to Show Your Parents Your Home Away From Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

This weekend is TCU’s Parent’s Weekend, and if you have family coming into town, you probably want to do something to show them your home away from home. Here are some ideas of what you could do with your family to show them how you live as a TCU student.

Take them to the football game!

The first is fairly obvious, but take them to the homecoming football game! Nothing is more quintessential TCU than pulling on cowboy boots, tailgating, and watching the TCU football team rock the Carter.

Go to your college’s open house.

This might not be quite as fun, but you know your parents are dying to know more about your education. Every college has open houses for students and their parents, and your parents will probably appreciate learning about the education they are investing in.

Treat them to your favorite restaurant in Fort Worth.

There are so many delectable places to eat in Fort Worth, so show your parents where you frequent most. This will give them a better idea of what you do for meals when you’ve given up on the BLUU.


After you take your parents to dinner, make sure you show them one of the many delicious dessert places around town. My favorite dessert stop is, of course, Melt. Melt is a Fort Worth staple and so, so delicious. But if Melt isn’t your thing, there are a number of other delicious places you can take your family for a sweet treat.

Walk around downtown.

There is just something so distinctly Fort Worth about strolling around Sundance Square. Take the moment to reconnect and spend some quality time with your parents. It could be a great time to catch up on anything and everything while your surroundings.

No matter what you end up doing with your parents, truly invest in the time you have with them. More than likely, they don’t come around too often, and before you know it, you’ll be missing them more than you ever thought you could.  Parent’s weekend is the perfect time to realize how lucky you are to have parents as amazing as yours.


Her Campus TCU Staff!
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.