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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

As I begin my junior year of college, I reflect upon a time when I was a freshman- just starting college in a new state, afraid yet excited for all adventures that would begin to take place. Although I want to say my freshman year was all fun and games, it wasn’t always perfect. Here are three things I wish I knew as a freshman at TCU:

1. No one is having as much fun as their Instagram and Snapchat profiles seem to make it seem.

All freshmen want to do is make friends and find their place on campus. I used to sit and scroll through Instagram and see everyone having a great time while I was scared and felt like I hadn’t made any friends. The truth is Instagram can look deceiving. It may seem like someone is having the best time, but inside they’re just as confused as you are. My biggest advice is to not be afraid to reach out to someone in your class or dorm. No one will think of you differently if you reach out. Everyone wants to make friends and will most likely appreciate it if you initiate reaching out.

2. Say yes to all opportunities that are given (if they are within reason).

During my freshman year, I was afraid to say yes to things like going out with friends for dinner, trying new things, and participating in activities because I was afraid to put myself in new situations and possibly go to events by myself. These opportunities are where you meet new people and find your place on campus. Say yes to every invite, although it might scare you, because you never know where it will lead you.

3. Do what makes you happy

My final advice is to do what makes you happy. College is a new experience to discover yourself. Don’t be afraid to do what you love. College is not like high school; there are so many opportunities to get involved in activities and organizations that you love. Don’t follow what everyone else is doing if it makes you unhappy. Pave your own way.

I hope that you embrace your freshman year because it goes by so fast. This is the best part of college, so seize all opportunities and follow your own path.

Jadyn is a Junior at Texas Christian University, studying Strategic Communications. She is from Dana Point, CA. In her free time, she can be found doing orange theory, hanging with friends, and watching the latest Netflix documentary.