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16 Tips For Incoming Freshmen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

My freshman year was great. I was away from home for the first time and I was able to find myself. As amazing as it was, if I could go back in time I would give myself a few helpful tips. Here is what I would tell myself:


  • Yes they really do stink. It’s the beginning of a seemingly never-ending week. I know Sunday night I dreaded going to bed because that meant my weekend was over and I had to go back to classes and homework. And to be honest, I am going into my junior year and Mondays still stink.

Call Home:

  • This is as new for your parents and siblings just as much as it is for you. I was so thrilled to get out of the house and be on my own, and I went to school as far away as I could from home. To be more specific I was a whole ocean away. Being in a new place can still be scary sometime, so I always called home. Even though you might have wanted to leave home, you may miss your family more than you’d think, and they will certainly miss you. Set aside some time to catch up!

Study More: 

  • I know you probably already know studying is important. I can honestly say that freshman year I never studied for my tests until the night before. I would get okay grades on my tests, but if I had studied more, I would’ve done so much better. 

Get Involved: 

  • Getting involved in clubs and organizations is a great way to make friends. My freshman year I didn’t get involved in any college activities, but I wish I had. My freshman year would’ve been much more dynamic and I would have met so many more people. TCU has such a wide range of clubs and activities that you’ll be able to satisfy any of your interests! 

Don’t Over-Pack:

  • Keep in mind you will be sharing a room, so don’t bring your whole wardrobe. You don’t need to clutter up your room with things like that old t-shirt you’ve had for years but never actually worn. Your belongings really do accumulate over time, especially if you join a fraternity or sorority. Also ladies, you can always borrow something of a friend’s! My freshman year I packed a suitcase larger than i am. I don’t think I wore half the stuff I packed. 

Prioritize (be realistic):

  • As a freshman I thought I could do it all. I thought I could go to school, do homework, have a job, go to the beach, and go out every night with either my friends or my boyfriend and still be a functioning human being. Be open to trying new things, but don’t over-commit yourself!

Never Lose Sight of Why You’re Here:

  • College is school more than anything else, and, unlike high school, college really counts. Have plenty of fun along the way, but just remember to give yourself a lot of time to do your school work and keep your eyes on the finish line!

It’s Okay To Fail:

  • No one likes to fail. But it is a part of life and it’s okay, and even expected, to fail from time to time. Tomorrow is a new day, and you don’t need to bring yesterday’s problems along with you. Failing at something doesn’t make you a failure; it makes you human.  


Not Knowing:

  • If you don’t understand, or you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for help or go to a tutor. You simply can’t do everything on your own, and it’s okay to admit to yourself that you can’t. 

Always Back Up Your Files:

  • One month into my freshman year, my computer crashed and I hadn’t backed anything up. Trust me, rewriting essays is not something you want to do. Back your work up with a flash drive, a dropbox, or even by emailing it to yourself.

Roommates Love and Hate:

  • You don’t have to like your roommate, but you do have to live with them. Some people love their roommate and some people don’t quite connect as well. If you have an issue, keep it civil and just talk about the problems you have. Compromise is the key to living with anyone.

Alarm Clock: 

  • Don’t put your alarm clock near you but also make it loud enough that you can hear it. My roommate set her alarm in intervals and slept through them all, in her sleep she would shut it off. The only thing it did was wake me up when I didn’t have to. She always missed class or was late, i got so fed up with it I would “forget” to wake her up


  • If you choose to drink, just do it safely. It’s all fun and games, just don’t over-do it. Keep it safe. 

Not Wanting To Go Out:

  • It’s okay if somedays you just don’t want to go out and socialize with the world. Its normal to want to take a break. Your friends will understand.

Time Alone:

  • When you have a roommate, it can be hard to get time alone, so take advantage of the times you have to yourself. Try and make some down time for yourself to destress. College can be so stimulating that it can be hard to find time to recharge, so appreciate the quiet moments. I didn’t share a room with anyone until my freshman year and I cherished the time I got to myself. I loved having my friends but I just need some time to myself and watch Netflix. 

Live Every Day to the Fullest:

  •  College is the last time in your life that you will have this much freedom. Once these years are over you are out in the real world. Make these years count! College can be so fun. As long as you can balance your time, you’ll have an amazing year. 


I hope these tips help you during your freshman year of college! 

Sydney is a TUC transfer student with a history major and a criminal justice minor. She is originally from Detroit, Michigan; But she's moved around the country her whole life. She's an aspiring writer, and hopefully in the future she'll become a DA. 
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.