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Who Else Are You Voting For On November 8th? 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

This election, while there is the very important Presidential election, there are more elections that will be determined on November 8th. 88% of Congress is up for re-election (all of the House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate) and in New Jersey, there are local elections occurring as well. 

Congress:  Every seat in the house is up for grabs this cycle as seats are only held for 2 years. New Jersey is divided into 13 congressional districts and depending on where you are registered to vote depends on who you will be voting for. Ewing is a part of New Jersey District 12. The race is between Democratic candidate incumbent Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Republican candidate Steven Uccio. Third party candidates include Thomas Fitzpatrick, Steven Welzer, Michael Bollentin, Edward Forchion, and Robert Shapiro. 

Local Elections:  Local elections are occurring in every county with county freeholders and local town council races. Each county will be selecting a new county board as well as new town councils.  Ewing will be voting on Mercer County Freeholders, County Surrogate, and the Ewing town council. Below are the candidates, as well as their party affiliation. Mercer County Surrogate (5 Year Term) – Republican David Boyne and Democrat Diane Gerofsky. Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders (3 Year Term) (Vote for 2) – Republican Andrew P. Curcio, Democrat Andrew Koontz, Republican Jason Lee De Francesco, and Democrat Anthony S. Verrelli. Ewing Township Council (4 Year Term) (Vote for Three) – Republican James J. Ambrose Democrat Kevin Baxter Republican Christopher M. Haase Democrat Jennifer Keyes-Maloney Republican George A. Steward Democrat David Schroth 

Remember to read about each candidate and make an educated decision about who you are going to vote for, and then go out and vote! TCNJ Votes! and the TCNJ Political Union will be hosting “Walk To The Polls” on election day, to walk to the nearest polling station, which is right across the street from TCNJ! If you aren’t registered to vote in Mercer County, don’t forget to mail in your absentee ballot!!   

Cait is the Co-Editor-In-Chief at HCTCNJ, and describes her life with two simple words: organized chaos.