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TXT’s Minisode: ‘Blue Hour:’ A Comfort Album From 4th Gen’s Leaders

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

“Not an elevator, but stairs,” is a saying I’ve seen pretty often while scrolling through my Twitter timeline ever since TXT dropped their new EP, minisode1: Blue Hour. However, before I tell you about the marvel of this little joy that is Blue Hour, perhaps a short introduction is necessary. Tomorrow X Together is a 4th generation Korean group that made its debut a year ago, with their title track “Crown”. The group consists of 5 members: Soobin (19), Yeonjun (21), Beomgyu (19), Taehyun (18), and Huening Kai (18), none of them having specific roles and excelling in all forms. 

Much like many artists have done this year, TXT took a little turn in their plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. minisode1: Blue Hour, helped them transition from The Dream Chapter, their 3 part series introducing them to the rest of the world. The EP makes quite a few achievements including being #25 on Billboard 200, debut #25 on Global Spotify Viral 50, #19 on Rolling Stones Top 200 Album Chart, #1 Billboard Emerging Artists #1 Billboard World Album Charts and more. 

Blue Hour takes us through a short but very familiar journey of uncertainty and loss, while also giving the listeners a bit of hope. Here are some details about each track!



“I can’t believe it, I already know now / You have logged out from my world”

The first track on the list is Ghosting, a song about something many of us are probably familiar with. The confusion and disillusionment of when someone completely cuts you off without rhyme or reason, at least that you may be aware of. 


Blue Hour (You and I Found in the Sky at 5:53) 

“At the hour between dog and wolf / I want to be trapped in the magic / Blue hour!”

The title track of the album brings us a fun disco pop vibe that describes conflicting emotions, while looking up at the sunset, which in Korea starts at 5:53, in October, which was when the EP was released. TXT described this hour as a time of day “between two worlds”, where the sky is beautiful but the shadows quickly come. A beautifully throughout song with a fun music video, as well!

Check out the music video: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) ‘Blue Hour’ Official MV


We Lost The Summer

“Cause we lost the summer / When we lost each other”

We move on to the next song that tells the story of five teens and how they are dealing with the pandemic. The routines we once had are gone and we are left with anxiety and uncertainty about the future. We try to distract ourselves with different indoor activities, but at the end of the day, we still feel a significant loss. 

Check out the music video: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) ‘날씨를 잃어버렸어’ Official MV



“A jewelry box with a star called you / My heart overflows again”

The EP continues with “Wishlist,” a song about wanting to give someone a gift but they simply just don’t want to tell you what they want. While this song does mention birthdays, I think we all experience this, especially when it comes to holiday gifts and you ask someone what they want and they respond “idk, I don’t really care.” And when I get you a lizard? Will you care then? This song is absolutely adorable nonetheless! 


Way Home

“Secrets that can’t be spoken and the worries that are left behind”

The final track of this EP is “Way Home.” In an interview with ELLE, Yeonjun described this song as being about taking the same path one would take going home from school. Despite the scenery looking pretty much the same, there’s something that feels different about it, it’s unfamiliar and almost surreal. Despite the unfamiliarity, TXT hopes that their audience doesn’t forget each other and sticks together. 


I highly recommend that you listen to TXT, whether you like Kpop or not. Their concepts are so creative and fun, and watching their growth as artists is an honor! Their journeys are similar to so many of us, and it feels nice to listen to music that understands me. 


Spotify: minisode1: Blue Hour

Apple Music: minisode1: Blue Hour

A writer who's always in a crisis and probably eating fries.
Minji Kim

TCNJ '22

Minji is a senior English and Elementary Education major who is passionate about skincare, turtlenecks, and accurate book-to-movie adaptations.