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TCNJ Missed Connections: Social Media and a Shot at Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

One glance is all it takes for an instant connection to be made between two complete strangers. Whether it be in Eickhoff Hall, or walking campus grounds, we’ve all have had that moment where someone catches your eye across the room, and it feels like love at first sight. These chance encounters can be shared on the Instagram platform “TCNJ Missed Connections” that displays confessions of love, friendship, and even rants about fellow students. As someone who is shy about meeting new people, this account and others like it are a holy grail for introductions without the awkward in-person nervousness. 

I found myself stalking the page for a special appearance from yours truly, and while it has yet to occur, it is entertaining to read all the stories of people meeting in interesting ways. Most posts are one sided accounts of someone appreciating another person’s outfit or features, which entices many people to look their best when outside.

As positive as Missed Connections can be, it also includes many complaints students have about their fellow peers. It is important to let negativity out, but venting frustration on a social media site does not address the problem directly. A portion of the rant posts are about problematic roommates, which could cause more problems if they see submissions about themselves. 

Freshman history major Gabriella Cortez was written about on a post and even though no new connections were formed, she said it is flattering to be singled out.

“As someone who is really shy and gets nervous going up to new people, I understand not wanting to go up to a person I’ve never met before but have interest in knowing,” Cortez said. 

She still does not know who made it, as all Missed Connection creators can remain nameless, and does not think serious relationships could come out of the account. People can read the many replies but who knows what possible flings could have started from the click of a submission button. 

“Since now everyone is back on campus from COVID-19, people just want to find the opportunity to connect with each other,” Cortez said. 

College is the prime time to make the most out of life and take every opportunity that comes your way, meaning saying hey to that cute boy in Spanish class or the stranger that makes you do a double take. 

Perhaps writing a confession to the account can start a spark, but nothing will be better than taking the initiative in-person. However, this platform is very convenient when in a rush and introducing yourself is not an option. 

The owner of the Missed Connections platform responded to a request for comment but has yet to reveal their identity. They said the account is run entirely by one person which they explained is a lot to handle at times. The idea was thought up because of a friend who wanted to make a missed connection post but could find no such outlet for TCNJ. Thus, history was made. 

“I thought that it would be really fun to start something like that, and I loved the idea of bringing people together in that way,” the owner said. 

Some days, over 50 submissions are made to the forum, according to the response. The holder said their favorite kind of direct message is wholesome content such as when people vibe with another person. 

“It’s created a space for people to go out of their way to say something nice… It’s so cool that this thing I’ve created has gained this much attention and… positive reception,” they said. 

The future of TCNJ Missed Connections has yet to be decided since the current manager will graduate in two years. However, they said if another individual is able to take their place and carry on the account, then they would gladly accept it. 

Since the start of the school year, Missed Connections has been providing a second chance for people to make a love connection while also giving laughs to the outrageous situations people find themselves in. Whoever runs this account is still unidentified and we may never know their true name, such as the myriad of other TCNJ based social media personalities, but we appreciate their efforts to get TCNJ to, well, “connect”!

Emma Ferschweiler is a TCNJ student who writes for Her Campus TCNJ!