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Staying Fit for the Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

As the weather gets colder and the workload piles up, it gets harder and harder to get your butt to the gym. The rewards of staying fit outweigh the many struggles we face, so here are some tips to keep you motivated throughout the fall!

1. Get a workout buddy

The hardest part of working out is getting motivated. With a workout buddy, you’ll always have someone to motivate you! Whether you’re working out or just hanging around, your buddy should always push you to be better. But if you don’t like working out with other people, check out some of the fitness apps for smart phones. Having something track your exercise habits will make you push yourself harder.

2. Set goals for yourself

Make a list of everything you want to achieve. You can even write them in your favorite color to associate positive things with these goals. It also serves as a reminder of what you are working towards and why you should always keep working your hardest!

3. Make a stellar playlist

Get yourself PUMPED with some great music! Listening to your favorite songs can make anything more enjoyable- even burpees. If you don’t have time to make yourself a playlist, there are a lot of premade playlists online specifically for working out. Check out Spotify, Pandora, or 8tracks for some exercise music- all you have to do is click play and go!

4. Track progress

Don’t sell yourself short! Every step you take towards your goal is significant and it is important to recognize that. Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back for being amazing.

5. Plan alternative workouts

Once the fall weather starts and the temperature drops, it can be really hard to go for a run or walk to the gym. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop working out! There are still plenty of ways to exercise in your dorm. Take advantage of the staircases for cardio, and check out some YouTube videos for roughly any muscle group- a personal favorite is 8 minute abs.

Keep to your goals!