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Sarah’s Shortlist: Workout Motivation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Summer is just around the corner, and we all know that it’ll be bathing suit season before you know it! For many of us, we’ll be trying to work off a few extra pounds we may have gained during this year. Here are a few songs that are sure to motivate you during your next workout! For added inspiration, check out “Freshman 15” blogs by HC TCNJ’s Allie and Cammie.

1. Please Don’t Stop the Music by Rihanna
“The song is fast and upbeat and keeps me going and energized. “ –Amanda Porraspita, sophomore marketing major

2. United States of Pop (Blame It On the Pop) by DJ Earworm
“This is a mix of 25 songs, so you never get bored! It’s about 5 minutes long… [and] has a consistent beat in the background for a warm up/cool down pace.” –Lindsey Hardifer, junior graphic design major

3. Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard
“The upbeat tempo with the electric guitars always makes me run faster when I am on the treadmill or going for a jog around my neighborhood.” –Hilarey Wojtowicz, sophomore journalism/professional writing major

4. Fumbles O’Brian by Attack Attack!
“I absolutely love the pseudo ‘gangsta’ feeling it has with the opening…. It just gets me pumped!” –Gabby Castelan, junior journalism/professional writing major

5. Take Over Control by Afrojack ft. Eva Simons
“When you’re running you need a good beat and something that makes you push yourself to the next level and get a really good work out.” –Christina Rosano

6. Wannabe by Spice Girls
“I have to jump around when I hear it… It has a great beat that makes you want to move your tush! Plus, nothing’s better to get you motivated than a great song from your childhood!” –Stefanie Vitale, junior journalism/professional writing major

Blog editor Sarah tells it like it is in her weekly short lists. Comment below to suggest some topics!

Jessica is one half of the fantastic duo founding Her Campus on the leafy suburban campus that is The College of New Jersey. A Journalism major and Communications minor in the Class of 2012, she is a native of Pennsylvania and an adoptive resident of New Jersey. That's why she can't fist pump, but can pump gas. Before Her Campus, Jessica was a newspaper reporter, communications assistant and world traveler, having studied and interned abroad in London. When she's not writing or talking up a storm, Jessica can be found bargain shopping, catching up on a good book, fiddling with her camera or attempting to stay in shape. Other passions include hummus, tickling those ivories on the piano, meeting new people and all things Her Campus.