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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, sophomore Nick Tabernero!  Adventurous, comical and passionate about teaching, you can often find him working at athletic events on campus or getting breakfast on Monday mornings in the Library Café. Get to know Nick with these fun facts:

Age: 20

Major: Mathematics Secondary Education

Relationship status: single

Hobbies: rock climbing, hiking, longboarding, playing sports

Biggest role model: My father because he has had the biggest impact of making me who I am today.

Celeb crush: Ariana Grande

Why did I pick my major: I love the feeling when I am teaching someone something and it clicks for them.  It is contagious.

Dream job: My dream job is to be a teacher at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia because it has revolutionized the way we teach to troubled students.

Fun Fact: The first time I went to Europe was last summer (2015) and I went to hike 70 miles.

What are you involved in on campus: I am a brother of Phi Alpha Delta and math stat club.  I also work for the athletic department.

What do you look for in a girl: Someone I can relate to and who has a good personality.

Ideal date: Ice cream and walk in the park

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years: A high school math teacher, soccer coach, and married.

Favorite TV show: Psych

Favorite thing about TCNJ: The campus-very welcoming and has a homey feel to it

Favorite song right now: The Judge- Twenty one pilots

The number one thing on your bucket list: Going white water kayaking

Best advice you’ve given: I told my neighbor that it doesn’t matter how much other people study.  You have to study as much as it takes to get the grade you want to get.