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Movies Based on Books to Look Forward to in 2019

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Waiting for a movie to come out is a part of the movie-watching experience itself: watching the trailers, making perceptive predictions, and excitedly talking about it to all of your other movie-loving friends. But what makes that process even more exciting? If the movie is based on a book we’ve read. Yes, while the belief exists that the “book is always better than the movie,” some movie adaptations in the past have matched and exceeded the expectations of the audiences. The year 2019 appears to be a promising year for new book-to-film adaptations and has many bibliophiles (including me) rather eager to see our favorite stories play out on the screens. Here’s a list of some of the film adaptations to look forward to in 2019:


Little Women

Based on the classic written by Louisa May Alcott, the story revolves around the lives of four sisters as they traverse into womanhood. While this book has been adapted into several movies and TV shows, the upcoming film directed by Lady Bird fame Greta Gerwig starring Meryl Streep, Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, and Saoirse Ronan among others is surely something to look out for.

All the Bright Places

Keep tissues at hand for this one! Written by Jennifer Niven, this one delineates the heartbreaking tale of two teens who save each other from jumping off the bell tower at school. What follows is a powerful bond as one teaches the other to live. Watch out for this one on Netflix.

The Goldfinch

Winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, this book by Donna Tartt tells the story of Theo Decker as he copes with the loss of his mother and holds on to a painting as her last memory. A painting that leads him to the criminal underworld. Starring Ansel Elgort, Nicole Kidman, and Sarah Paulson, this one is surely one of the most anticipated literary adaptations for the year.

Artemis Fowl

One of the series among Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia that helped shape me into an avid reader as a child, Artemis Fowl deals with a young mastermind who plans to restore his family’s fortune by capturing Holly, a fairy. This movie is set to take the readers down a fantasy memory lane.

The Best of Enemies

This piece of non-fiction tells the story of a local KKK leader and a civil rights activist in Durham, North Carolina as they meet to deal with the strained race relations in their town during the 1960s. The unlikely friendship that ensues is not only a must-read but will surely make for a must-watch.


So go and quickly make a trip to your nearest bookstore or library and read these books before the movies come out!Image Source

Sameen is currently a Campus Correspondent for HCTCNJ. She is a junior majoring in Biopsychology and is on a pre-med track. When not studying, she can be found curled up with a good book or trying her hand at a new hobby (e.g. playing the guitar, coding, learning a new language).
Maddi is the current President and Campus Correspondent for HCTCNJ. She is a senior journalism student at The College of New Jersey who loves pugs, napping, and all things food.