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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

TCNJ is full of outstanding students who integrate themselves within the TCNJ community by participating in extracurricular activities. A student I found who puts in the extra time and effort to make sure she makes the most out of her TCNJ experience is Madina Ouedraogo. She is from Newark, New Jersey and identifies her ethnic background as Burkinabe-American/Burkinabe/West African. She is currently a sophomore sociology major with a specialization in Non-Profit and Community Development and minors in Women’s and Gender Studies and African-American Studies.

Madina has integrated herself within the TCNJ community by participating in several clubs and organizations on campus. She is currently active in 12 clubs serving as a mentor, ambassador, representative, or just a general participant. Madina is the Programming Co-Chair Executive Board for W.I.L.L and Multi-Cultural Events and Affairs Co-Chair Executive Board for BSU. Her progress and participation in a variety of organizations on campus makes her a vital part of the TCNJ community.

While talking to Madina I was interested in knowing what makes her want to integrate herself into the TCNJ community as well as who or what inspires her to do so.

Here is a short Q&A I decided to do with her:

HCTCNJ: What makes you want to integrate yourself at TCNJ?

Madina: “I get such positive energy from the people, clubs, events and organizations I partake in, and that serves as the reason I choose to heavily integrate myself within the TCNJ community.”

HCTCNJ: Who/what has inspired you to participate in these clubs/organizations?

M: “I take part in organizations and events that are reflective of my passions and interest, because I want to help and contribute to being, “…the change [I] want to see in the world [and in all communities that I reside in.]” As a result, there is no better way to help change and/or progress what I wish to seek occur, than to be a part of the action myself.”

HCTCNJ: Why do you think it is important to participate in these clubs?

M: “I think it is important to be a part of these various organizations and clubs to be exposed to different people, perspectives and experiences and for me to contribute the same thing to others. I participate in these organizations and clubs to surround myself in an atmosphere of inclusion, diversity and positivity.”

HCTCNJ: What would you want people at TCNJ to know about you and your passion for being such a vital part of the TCNJ community?

M: “As a Black, African, Woman I think it is extremely important to be active in spaces where people like myself are often under represented. I think it is extremely important to have people like myself take on leadership roles so I can serve as positive image and motivation for other”

Overall Madina is serving a positive message about what it means to be part of TCNJ. Keep doing you, Madina! 

A current elementary education student at TCNJ. I have a passion for teaching, I love to write, watch TV, I'm a foodie and love anything related to fashion/beauty!