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Live It Up! 12 Things To Do Before Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

The fluorescent sign above the doors to the Stud tick down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until we are on out on our butts in the real world. I cringe every time I pass it, but let’s face it—we’ll be out of here in no time, so let’s make the best of what’s left.

Of course there are the obvious academic steps before the big day: apply for graduation, make sure your credits are correct, update your resume, network…but here are twelve more must-dos for college seniors before these four years come to an end:

1. Skip class just to sleep because sometimes noon is even too early.

2. Pay for a meal in coins—Hassan won’t mind.

3. Take a road trip. Be cheap and explore, but trust me, South of the Border in South Carolina is worth passing by.

4. Pull an all-nighter—they’ll be hard to fit in with your inevitable 9 to 5 in a few months.

5. Leave your mark. Not necessarily with spray paint on the sparkly, over-sized balls, but in a more sentimental way.

6. Go to a toga party because after college, it becomes socially awkward.

7. Streak across the quad just to live up to every college movie cliche.

8. Have a drink (or two) with a professor because soon you’ll be able to call them by their first names.

9. Have an amazing spring break no matter what your scene.

10. Try out a funky hairstyle or piercing before the interviews begin.

11. Take a dip in some campus water, but stay away from the lakes.

12. Study abroad because paid vacation time won’t be in your near future.