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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Dear TCNJ Freshmen,

Three years ago, I was in your same exact shoes. Writing this as a senior, I am still confused at how I’ve gotten here so quickly. I’m sure you’ve heard just as much as me how fast college goes, and wow does it go by faster than high school ever did. Starting off freshman year can be scary and challenging with your newly gained independence and assortment of unknowns. However, just know that you are extremely lucky to be starting your college career off at TCNJ. Here’s my advice to the overwhelmed freshman as a senior, who went through everything you are about to go through, and how to make the most of your time at this school.

The first couple weeks can be overwhelming but also the most memorable…breathe, and take it all in.

This is coming from the girl who was driven to her freshmen move-in day by her mom, dad, and younger brother with plastic bags at the ready. Yup… I was so nervous about leaving my family and old friends behind for the first time and meeting new people that I felt nauseous. Luckily, I did not throw up. Even luckier, what I didn’t know then but what I know now is that I was stressing for zero reason. 

As a freshman at TCNJ, you cannot have your car on campus. This could seem entrapping, as if now you’re suddenly stranded on an uncharted island with about 6,000 other students. Breathe. This is actually a great thing while beginning a chapter somewhere new! It will force you to meet tons of new people. You will connect with others that you might not have had you stayed inside your comfort zone.

If you immediately feel homesick, resist the urge to call mom to come and rescue you. Feelings are ultimately temporary, and that homesickness will pass. What’s great about this new beginning is that each freshman is generally in the same situation. You may be homesick but so is the girl that lives across from you! Go grab some food at Eick together or coffee at the library. The truth is, no one is sure about what to do when you first get to college or how to go about meeting new people. It all happens naturally.  If you’re thinking, Can I really make it here for the next four years? Yes, you can. And you can make it some of the best four years of your life.

Although TCNJ is a diverse campus, you are no longer in high school. You were all accepted here meaning you are surrounded by like minded individuals with similar intellectual capacities. If you have not found your best friends by now…RELAX. I have found a best friend each year and continue to meet new friends while at TCNJ. You will find your people. Life happens at different speeds for everyone. As long as you do not compare yourself to others, you will be fine.

Get involved! It’s not your parents telling you this time. Seriously, getting involved on campus will make your time at TCNJ so much more worth it. You can find your home within your home that is currently this campus. Become an ambassador, join a club, join Greek life or an academic fraternity. Go out for a club sport. Whenever there is a large event on campus like the fall or spring concert don’t miss it! Try to go to everything you can. You won’t get the chance to participate in activities like this with your peers following college.

When it comes down to it, the most important advice I have is to be present. It’s so easy to take your freshman year for granted. What you’ll realize is that when it’s over, there will never be anything again like it. All four years of college are great, but the fresh start and encountering something or someone new around every corner is something inherently unique to the freshmen experience. Always live in the moment and stride through campus with an open mind and an open heart. Don’t let your fear hold you back and jump confidently outside of your comfort zone.

Sincerely your senior friend,



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Sophomore Communications major involved with Her Campus and The Signal at TCNJ. She is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta.
Mia is a writer for Her20s and former President of Her Campus TCNJ. She loves Her Campus's ability to empower the women of campus and beyond, and she hopes to continue spreading the site's messages of confidence and positivity. You can most likely find her reading, wandering around Trader Joes, or laying on the beach. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @missmiaingui.