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Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media
Style > Beauty

How to Switch Your Summer Makeup Routine to the Winter

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s that time of year again! The temperature is dropping, leaves are changing, and the warm feelings of the holidays have arrived. While most people think to switch out their summer wardrobe for their winter wardrobe, your makeup routine is not given as much though–– nonetheless, this is important! Your summer routine WILL NOT work for the winter, but it’s okay because I’m here to help you with some tips!

  1. Less powder.  

In the summer, the intense heat causes us to sweat and produce oil that separates makeup. To combat this, you should be using more powder and layering your products. But for the winter, the opposite approach must be taken. These months are cold and dry so adding more powder will appear cakey. The key is to add a light dusting of powder and use a hydrating setting spray! 

  1. Hydration!

Hydration is key 24/7, but it’s especially important during this season. Using dewy, hydrating products will prevent your skin from producing too much oil to compensate for the dryness. The Milk Makeup HydroGrip Primer is the best hydrating primer for this reason! Also, using hyaluronic acid and a thick moisturizer will soothe your dry skin and set a good foundation for your base. 

  1. Switch to cream and liquid products. 

Cream products have been in the spotlight this past year, but they are actually more suited for the winter. Cream products easily separate in the heat and do not blend well with powder products. However, this is alleviated in the winter since we won’t be wearing as much powder. These products will keep your skin hydrated and glowing! My favorite cream products are from Colourpop and NYX. 

  1. Play around with color!

In the summer, we usually opt for warm or bright colors and skip the blush for the bronzer. This looks gorgeous on our tanned skin but, when we get paler in the winter, this washes us out. I suggest using rosy or mauve blushes and opting for contour over bronzer. This will add dimension and color to the face! This is also the perfect time to play around with dark colors like red, brown, and purple so try incorporating this color scheme into your routine. 

  1. Use hydrating liquid lipstick or satin lipstick for those chapped lips!

I know liquid lipstick is known for being super drying, BUT there are really good liquid lipsticks that are hydrating and lock in moisture so your lips don’t stay chapped! My absolute favorite is the Maybelline Super Stay Liquid Lipstick. It dries matte but my lips do not feel crusty and I never have to constantly apply Vaseline. Try this and I swear you won’t be disappointed. 

Hi I’m Anagha!! I’m a senior in college. I love all things beauty, especially makeup and skincare. I review makeup products on my beauty account on Instagram @beautybyanagha. I am always watching out for new collections so expect content whenever anything drops :)