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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

If you’re getting over a breakup, life probably feels so much harder than it usually is, and I’m here to help you out! You don’t need them, you got you, and that’s all you will ever need. I have a few tips to share that will certainly help your heart hurt a little less. It’s what I’ve learned through my own experience of learning to love myself. 

  1. Realize your worth. 

I need you to sit down and remind yourself what you bring to the table. Make a list of 10 reasons of why you’re special and essential to the world. This exercise will help you remember what is so great about yourself. You are so much more than you make yourself out to be. No one should be okay with losing you. You’re literally amazing and there is no one like you. If they saw your worth, they would have never been ok with losing you. You are so worthy of love, an easy love, not complex. You deserve everything and more. Put yourself first, set your standards, list your goals, and dedicate yourself to yourself! You deserve it. Don’t ever let a man be the reason you lower your standards. 

  1. Let yourself be sad. 

I cannot stress this one enough. Let yourself feel all the feels. Sit with yourself, just cry it out. It will pass, I promise. Imagine your feelings as if they are ocean waves; imagine the emotion as a strong wave forming and as it crashes, imagine your emotion dissipating as well. Every time there is a new wave, it will come and go just like all the others. I know this is easier said than done, but this practice can help comfort your uncomfortable feelings. The most comforting quote I’ve ever heard is, “You haven’t met all the people that will love you.” You indeed have not met everyone that will love and adore you yet. Be gentle with yourself, too; you’re doing the best you can. 

  1. Buy yourself something you like.

Whether it’s your favorite coffee, flowers, a new outfit, or even food, buy yourself something for a little burst of serotonin. I know grabbing Starbucks or ordering a shirt off of Amazon always gives me a little bit of happiness. It can be a toxic trait spending money like that I know, but once in a while, especially after a breakup, it’s totally acceptable! Maybe not a huge haul from your favorite store but just something small :) Treat yourself because you know yourself better than anyone else! 

  1. Do something you’ve always wanted to do.

So you’re single now you have no one to answer to. Do anything and everything you’ve always wanted to do. Whether it’s getting that haircut you were always hesitant of or flying to a different country, do what your heart desires. Talk to whoever you want. Live your absolute best life knowing that you are the only one you need to impress or worry about. That feeling is so satisfying. No one is judging you; you are in control! The world is your stage; stand up, girl and get ready to own it! 

  1. Dress up! 

The absolute best way to feel better about yourself is to dress up. I mean, who doesn’t feel their confidence shoot up when they put on a cute outfit, some jewelry, and some makeup? We all know the phrase “Dress to impress,” but instead, impress yourself! 

Lastly, healing is not linear; take your time, queen. You got this! I’ve been there and trust me when I tell you growth is not easy but you will get there and it will be so worth it. Now go be a baddie and love yourself!

Sending all my love <3

Anvi is a Senior Biology major! She is a succulent and cacti enthusiast who advocates for all things health and wellness. You can find her online shopping, drinking protein shakes or hanging out with her friends :)