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How to Keep Peace with Your Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s the beginning of a new semester at college. You and your new roommate are finally moved in and settled in your new home. At first, everything seems perfect! The two of you have your own schedules, so you both can get alone time in your dorm. You both know to keep the volume low during quiet hours. Living with a stranger, however, is not all fun and games. There just may be some things that bug you. 

To help ease your transition to TCNJ and living on a college campus in general, here are some important questions that you should consider asking your roommate, sooner rather than later. 

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1. What time do you wake up in the morning? 

This is one of the most important questions to ask. You’re going to want to know if you usually wake up earlier or later than your roommate. That way, you won’t disturb them in the morning, or vice versa. 

2. What time do you go to bed? 

Another important question. Bedtimes are almost always bound to change in college, but it’s really helpful to know where they’re starting from.

3. Are you a light or deep sleeper? 

The answer to this one will definitely help establish the nightly noise of your home. My roommate and I are opposites when it comes to this, but we make it work! P.S. Gillian, I’m sorry for my snoring. 

4. What’s your major/minor? 

A common question, but it’ll help you figure out if you guys have similar interests and maybe even some of the same classes! It’s always nice to have a familiar face in the classroom. 

5. What time do most of the lights in the room need to go off? 

You may or may not call this the “big light.” I did with my freshman year roommate. Desk lamps or the light from your screens may be fine. When it’s time for one of you to go to bed, it’s probably safe to turn the big light off. 

6. How neat or messy are you?/How clean do you need the room? 

Cleanliness is always important, no matter if you’re living with your parents or on your own. Some people may want every speck of dust removed. Others may have an explosion in their closet. Ask your roommate: how often do we need to vacuum? Who’s responsible for cleaning the fridge? Make a schedule. Divide and conquer. 

7. What are your feelings on overnight guests? 

Do you expect a lot of out-of-town visitors? Is a significant other staying over? Et cetera. It’s good to know if you plan to share your small, yet quaint, living space with others. Especially if it’s happening often. Make sure rules are set. 

8. What do you do on the weekends? 

Another good question to ask in order to find shared interests and whether your roommate is a partier or a homebody. No judgements, either way. Everyone enjoys different things. 

9. Hobbies? Or any clubs/organizations you want to join? What do you do for fun?

This is just to see if they enjoy doing the same things you do! Joining a new club may be intimidating, but your roommate may be willing to help you out on that little journey. 

10. What’s the best way to make a request? 

Face to face? Over text? Make a system. For example, if a friend is hanging out in the room, make sure it’s okay with the other roommate by asking them beforehand, or just letting them know prior.

Camille Germo is a senior undergraduate psychology major with a minor in Spanish at The College of New Jersey. She hopes to become a child therapist in the future. During her free time, she enjoys reading books, watching films, and taking photos.
Mia is a writer for Her20s and former President of Her Campus TCNJ. She loves Her Campus's ability to empower the women of campus and beyond, and she hopes to continue spreading the site's messages of confidence and positivity. You can most likely find her reading, wandering around Trader Joes, or laying on the beach. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @missmiaingui.