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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s that time of the year! Panhellenic formal recruitment for spring 2016 is finally year! For some girls, this is the moment they have been waiting for all year long. For other girls, joining a sorority was a last minute decision the night before the deadline to register. I asked a few girls who signed up for recruitment their thoughts on rushing for the next two weekends, and was not surprised by their responses:

“I’m excited but also nervous. I’ve met a bunch of girls from different organizations and they’re all really cool, but I’m really looking forward to finding the one that is best for me and finding a group of girls that I know I will be close with forever.” –Freshman Ashleigh Roberts

“I’m looking forward to it! I’ve heard it’s a great experience and I’ve met some of the girls and they seem so sweet however I’m still nervous because I’m not really sure what to expect.” –Freshman Cassidy Buchanan

“I’m nervous and anxious about going through actual rounds but I’m excited to be in a sorority and see what it holds for me in the future.” –Freshman Alex Horak


It is no secret that formal recruitment presents itself to be highly intimating. Trying to exhibit your best self, both physically and personality based, to all nine sororities is a stressful concept to wrap your head around. However, the girls in the sororities are trying to recruit you as well, so it is also up to them to make a good impression on you, as well as carry the conversation. Regardless, here a few tips to calm the nerves on the first day of rounds:

1. Be yourself: The purpose of formal recruitment is to find your home. The only way to do that is to stay true to who you are. There is no need to make up stories to further impress girls in a sorority, because then you are trying to be someone you are not. If all you did was watch binge watch Grey’s Anatomy over winter break, own it! You might even make a connection with a girl who is just as obsessed with Derek Shepherd as you are.

2. Do Your Research: It does not hurt to look which sororities are on campus. It will help ease some of the anxiety the first day of rounds if you have an idea of what each sorority brings to the table and their philanthropies. However, do NOT pay attention to any stereotypes about a particular organization, given they are mostly false.

3. Wear Something Memorable: Although at TCNJ, potential new members are given a t-shirt to wear (thank goodness), make sure to accessorize with something that will make you stand out. Whether it’s a chunky necklace or sparkly bracelet, anything that will make a girl remember you will be helpful.

4. Remember to smile/ Have fun: This is such an exciting time for everyone, so take a deep breath and remind yourself that everything will be okay. 

Cait is the Co-Editor-In-Chief at HCTCNJ, and describes her life with two simple words: organized chaos.