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History Repeats: Is 80s Fashion Coming Back?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Our dreadful history classes are always explaining how history repeats itself. Well, one thing’s for sure, fashion does! This year, multiple “fads” from the 80s have resurfaced to the millennium, perhaps with a few tweaks. Listed are the appropriate old trends that should be remerging to your closets.

1) Flared Jeans
Skinny jeans have been the latest style to wear, however, the flare is back! These 80’s jeans look hot when they are tight at the top, showing off your curves, and rocked with a cute pair of heels.


2) Overalls

The overalls trend is back! However, with a tweak. Very low cut, tight, overall shorts and capris are now in!

3) Crop tops AND high-waisted shorts and skirts
Crop tops were always worn in the 80’s, off the shouldered, shorter shirts that show your tummy, are now in, especially with high waste shorts or skirts, another 80s style.

4) Colorful leggings

Spice up the season by adding some color to your leggings, just like in the old days!

5) Last but not least, jean jackets

It is back, but in a tighter fit. Try one over any outfit! Of course not with jean bottoms though. On the far right, TCNJ’s own Kelly Roddy rocks the jean jacket look!