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Free Beauty Remedies You Can Make Without Leaving Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


As collegiettes, we always want to look our best and keep costs at a minimum.  With our busy schedules, we can’t always get the beauty rest we need.  The upcoming winter months can be tough on our skin.  Every now and then, it’s fun to try some beauty remedies that revitalize and rejuvenate our skin.  Unfortunately, many of us don’t have cars, and let’s face it, the loop bus isn’t pleasant!  Here are some recipes for beauty treatments you can make with free ingredients you can find without leaving campus!

Olive Oil Sugar Scrub

This recipe is great for exfoliating dry hands and legs!

For the hand scrub, you will need:

6 sugar packets (library café)

2 table spoons of olive oil (Eickoff salad bar)

First, pour the sugar and the olive oil into a small bowl and stir together.  Then, pour into your hands and rub together as if you are rubbing in lotion.  Rinse with warm water.

Lemon Sugar Facial Scrub

Use the same recipe as above and add 2 packets of lemon juice (library café).  Apply to face and rub gently in a circular motion for about 2 minutes.  Use warm water to remove.  Afterwards, use a cleanser and your favorite moisturizer!

Grape and Honey Face Mask

Grapes are full of antioxidants and vitamins that are great for our skin!  During meal equiv, purchase the grape and cheese cup at the library.  You will need all of the grapes in the cup for this recipe!

You will need:

1 cup of grapes (library café)

8 sugar packets (library café)

about 1 teaspoon of olive oil (Eikoff salad bar)

1 packet of lemon juice (library café)

1 tablespoon of honey (library café)

Squeeze the grapes into a cup (you just need the juice!)  Add in the sugar, olive oil, lemon juice, and honey.  Stir it all together, apply to face, and leave on for about 12 minutes.  Rinse off with warm water.

Hilarey Wojtowicz is a senior Journalism/Professional Writing major at The College of New Jersey. Hilarey works for TCNJ's Residential Education and Housing Department as a Community Advisor, but is truly aspiring to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Not only does Hilarey love writing for her campus's chapter of Her Campus, but she enjoys writing about sports for local newspapers, as well. A true Jersey girl at heart, Hilarey is definitely not from the Boston area, but is a huge fan of the New England Patriots. You can find her interning in New York City this Fall at Woman's Day Magazine.