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Finals Week: Quick Tips for Studying!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

The weather is starting to change, the beach is calling your name, and there is only one thing standing in every collegiette’s way of a relaxing, stress-free summer vacation: Finals Week.

As we prepare ourselves for the time-consuming study sessions and anxiety-producing term papers, here are a few tips to get you through.

Have a Plan and Get Organized
With many exams, papers, and presentations being assigned in the same time, it’s difficult to determine what to tackle first. But to successfully start eliminating tasks off your to-do list, make a plan.

“It’s really important to follow a schedule or it is going to catch up to you,” says TCNJ junior Ningel Bhuta.
Creating realistic plans allows for clear goals and productivity and will ease your panic.

To further prepare herself for finals week, Bhuta organizes all of her notes and materials before she starts studying. This strategy eliminates wasted time searching for notes, old tests, and forgotten vocabulary terms.
TCNJ junior, Caitlin Fetter makes note cards to guide her in her studies, which double as quiz material.

Take a Break and Just Breathe
After a few hours of studying, it is difficult to focus. At this point, it may be time for a break.

“Finals are always so stressful so I make time to pamper myself at a spa getting a manicure and pedicure or my hair styled. It takes the edge off and reminds me there is actually something enjoyable in May to look forward to,” says junior Chloe Nouvelle.

If the spa isn’t for you, grab a latte and go out for a half-hour of chatting with some friends, take a trip to the gym, or watch a movie. Let out some steam and refocus.

Put Away Anything Distracting
While it is important to take breaks to relax, too many distractions can be detrimental to your productivity. To
eliminate mindless wandering on Facebook, have one of your most trustworthy friends change your password or deactivate it for that time. You will be thankful for the time saved sitting in front of the computer screen.

Try to solve any trivial problems or arguments to keep your mind in the right place and focused on studying. Unsolved emotion-stirring disagreements with friends will only keep you stressed out and consumed with negativity.

Think Positive
Whether it’s envisioning the warm sand at the beach or motivating yourself and friends, positivity is one of the keys to success. Repeat to yourself that you can do it and believe in yourself. In the end, be confident.
As TCNJ senior Rachel Adelman says, “everything always seems to get done somehow.”