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Everything About My College Experience and the Advice I Give to You

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

I can safely say that the past four years have been nothing short of amazing. I went through the best times of my life and the worst times of my life. Personally, my college experience was a very messy one, to say the least. I started off at a school that I thought I was going to thrive at, when in reality, it ended up being one of the toughest things I had to go through. Fortunately for me, those experiences shaped me into a person that was able to walk away from the mess and enter a life that I never knew I needed so badly. 

I quickly learned that you can not control everything that comes your way. I prided myself on being a perfectionist and being very determined to have things go my way. It was not even a week into being a college freshman that I learned I needed a bit of “wiggle room” when it came to the plans I had for my future. I started off with a major that I would one day in the near future learn that I hated. I was so set on thinking that everything had to be a certain way and once I realized that everything will work out, life was a lot easier. 

Not everyone is going to be your best friend. You will also make friends who you believe will be the friends you keep for your whole life… and that is just not the truth. But then you will have friendships who mean the world to you. The friends you keep around are a reflection of who you will become. My advice to you is if you are putting a ton of energy into someone or something, and you are not receiving that same level of energy or more back, then let it go. During these years, people will disappoint you and you will cry over friendships but at the end of your college years, you will know who deserves to be in your life and who doesn’t. 

One thing I knew about myself is I know what my passions were. I wasn’t going to dive deep into something that I had no interest in. Find what you are passionate about and go all in on it. Never half do something. If you truly want something,  go and get it, and do not stop until you get it. My dream is to be a writer and a successful one for that matter, and I will never give up on that dream.

Get involved in your college organizations. I played on the women’s soccer team at my college and every single one of my teammates are my built in best friends. I also write for Her Campus magazine, and it has been my outlet to write about everything I find interesting. Not only have these organizations been amazing, they have also taught me and shaped me into a person who I am proud of. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there if it will get you one step closer to your goals. 

I have been in many situations that I am not proud of in these years… or at least I thought. I have woken up with regret or I have felt down on myself for doing something that was outside of the person I was/am. BUT… looking back on all of it I do not regret anything at all. I am glad I learned the lessons I did because I would have never learned from those mistakes. I learned that it is ok to miss a class or kiss the wrong guy. It is ok to let loose on a night out and it is ok to stick up for yourself when you are put in a weird situation. Never regret anything in these years because one day you will look back and know that those events shaped who you are. Take complete advantage of the “I’m in college” excuse. Make mistakes and do not regret anything. 

Mentally, you will go through it. You will have many days where you mentally are exhausted, and you will have many days where you will cry your eyes out. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to give yourself the attention you deserve. One thing I dove deep into was yoga. My mind got into a good headspace, and it was an hour a day that allowed me to just be present with no one other than myself.

The memories I have made in these past years, I can never get back. I will never be this young again in my life. I can never do half of the things that I am doing right now. Be responsible, but also be wild and free. Do not overthink the decisions you make, just do them. Stop overthinking everything, it will all work out. Do not wish these years away because when they say it goes by in a blink of an eye, it really does.

Emma Pascarella is a Senior attending The College of New Jersey. Emma is majoring in Journalism&Professional writing with a minor in Psychology in hopes to be a broadcast journalist when she graduates! Emma is also a member on the women’s soccer team at The College of New Jersey. XOXO