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Dressing for In-Between Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

We’ve hit the “in-between months,” for which Jersey is infamous. The months when spring has not fully arrived, weather is unpredictable, and fashion-minded collegiettes are left struggling every morning to find an appropriate outfit. The heavy knits, wool sweaters and long-sleeved shirts stare at us from their hangers while spring and summer clothes are still tucked away, begging to be worn.

It’s definitely not warm enough for a tank top and shorts and freezing in class is not an appealing option. One day it is beautiful, sunny and 75 degrees, and the next it’s a teeth-chattering 40 degrees. Her Campus weighed in with TCNJ junior Chloe Nouvelle to help you combine staple pieces from your winter wardrobe with spring pieces and show you how to survive these days of crazy weather.

Layer up!
“The most difficult part of dressing for those days when it’s too warm for sweaters and too hot for just a top, is finding a way to layer without looking like your wearing the all the contents of your closet,” says Nouvelle.
It’s about simplicity. Try to layer over lighter-weight pieces to avoid overheating and bulkiness. Combine a tank, tee, sweater and jacket, but keep it simple, simple, simple!

Don’t stow away that winter wardrobe just yet.
Keep certain pieces, like your favorite leather boots, out for a while longer. No one says you have to rid yourselves completely of cold-weather clothing. Nouvelle pairs her favorite boots with tights, shorts, a sweater, and scarf. Boots look adorable with fun floral spring dresses too!

Longer Lengths.
The most desired spring trend is longer skirts and dresses. There is something beautiful about the classic silhouette these items create, and luckily, the extra fabric will keep you warm and hide your pale legs.

“I’ve recently become obsessed with Maxi dresses, but most are made of very thin fabrics. H&M makes Maxi dresses with long sleeves out of thicker material, and keeps with the trend this spring/summer season of bold, bright colors and prints in this collection,” says Nouvelle.

So keep your longer skirts and pull out your maxi dresses. I’m sure the bold, floral patterns will brighten your day.

Purchase the necessities
Go invest in a trench, a tailored white shirt, and a pair of structured khaki shorts. These are the kinds of pieces that will carry over from season to season.

I love wearing a tailored shirt over a spring dress with a belt and some tights. A trench coat is a perfect way to stay warm on chillier days. It’s time to give up the claustrophobic, heavy-coat-feeling of December, January, and February.

You can manage to find all of these items realistic to a college budget at Forever21, H&M and Old Navy. Have the extra cash at the moment? Go to a higher-end store to purchase quality items that will last longer.
In whatever way you choose to overcome the “in-between” weather, make it appropriate to your own style. Just because we can’t control the weather, doesn’t mean we can’t control the way we dress!

Jessica is one half of the fantastic duo founding Her Campus on the leafy suburban campus that is The College of New Jersey. A Journalism major and Communications minor in the Class of 2012, she is a native of Pennsylvania and an adoptive resident of New Jersey. That's why she can't fist pump, but can pump gas. Before Her Campus, Jessica was a newspaper reporter, communications assistant and world traveler, having studied and interned abroad in London. When she's not writing or talking up a storm, Jessica can be found bargain shopping, catching up on a good book, fiddling with her camera or attempting to stay in shape. Other passions include hummus, tickling those ivories on the piano, meeting new people and all things Her Campus.