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A Crowded Gym Alternative: Zumba!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

With winter finally making an appearance, those long-loop runs and other outdoor workouts might not be the best option for keeping fit. While you’re stuck indoors this winter season, consider a great indoor alternative that might break up the monotony of those boring gym workouts.

One indoor workout craze is Zumba, a dance class that combines Latin, pop, and hip hop music with a fun and effective workout. Whether you’re a trained dancer or not, you’ll surely benefit from this high-energy cardio workout. You’ll burn calories, tone muscles, and work your abs all while having tons of fun! 

During one Zumba class, you can burn up to 750 calories, depending on how much effort you put into eachmove. The moves are easily adaptable for any skill and fitness level. Even when you can’t follow the moves exactly, you will be sure to feel the cardio benefits. Some classes are more complex than others, so be sure to try out different instructors.

The TW Fitness Center at TCNJ offers FREE Zumba classes seven times a week with four different certified instructors. “You can start at any time and shouldn’t be intimidated,” says sophomore marketing major and Zumba instructor, Carmella Holl. “Many people are under the impression that you have to have dance training to attend Zumba, but the classes are actually designed so that people without dance experience can pick it up,” she adds. “Zumba is about keeping your body moving and your energy up. It’s a great alternative if you aren’t a gym person.”

So leave your self-consciousness at the door and prepare to release your inner dancing queen! Come ready to laugh, sweat, and learn to dance! Be sure to visit the TW Fitness Center on Facebook or on the website for the new spring semester schedule.


Jessica is one half of the fantastic duo founding Her Campus on the leafy suburban campus that is The College of New Jersey. A Journalism major and Communications minor in the Class of 2012, she is a native of Pennsylvania and an adoptive resident of New Jersey. That's why she can't fist pump, but can pump gas. Before Her Campus, Jessica was a newspaper reporter, communications assistant and world traveler, having studied and interned abroad in London. When she's not writing or talking up a storm, Jessica can be found bargain shopping, catching up on a good book, fiddling with her camera or attempting to stay in shape. Other passions include hummus, tickling those ivories on the piano, meeting new people and all things Her Campus.