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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Life is hectic. That’s before you even add in taking classes, doing homework, studying for exams, participating in extracurriculars, and maintaining a social life. What about trying to achieve personal goals, like eating healthy, maintaining a gym routine, or becoming fluent in a second language? Being able to make time for everything we want to achieve can seem impossible, but I’ve found a secret weapon that can help optimize your time and achieve specific goals: the SELF Journal.

I first stumbled upon this magnificent journal when facing a problem of my own. I’m a full time student who’s also doing an internship, but this semester, I decided that I wanted to spend more time creating content for my website (shameless plug: sophiecrossley.org). I had NO idea when I would be able to fit it into my schedule! I began poking around the internet, hoping to find some kind of planner that would help me get my life together, if that was at all possible. One particular description caught my eye and reeled me in: “if you’re serious about transforming your life, empower yourself with this game-changing tool.”  

More than just a planner, the SELF Journal aims to make your goals specific and measurable, so your goal is more than just a daydream. It becomes achievable by breaking it down into smaller sections, rather than one daunting task. The first section is where you write down your actual goal. It’s then broken into smaller, more achievable segments. This is what you’ll refer to throughout the entire process.

The next section is broken down into weekly goals. The planner is meant to be used for 13 weeks, the most ideal time for goal setting, so there are 13 spaces in this section. Here, you narrow down your goals into 3 weekly targets and have room for personal goals like meditating, working out, or any other hobbies you have.

The last section is daily. Here, you can plan out your days hour to hour, set 3 personal goals for the day, and even start and end your days with pieces of positivity. This section has been a lifesaver to me. It helps me to keep my days as productive as possible and keeps me on track to achieving both my smaller goals and my one overarching goal.

I’m in the middle of my journal right now, but it’s changed the way that I use my time. Even on my busiest days, there is always a way to optimize time and increase productivity. Not to mention, I’m working on something I love at the same time.


Victoria is a senior at The College of New Jersey and a features editor for HCTCNJ.  She is majoring in Journalism and Professional Writing, and minoring in Marketing & Communications.